Happy New Year to all. I've only posted a couple items in the past so I'm pretty much a newbie....a newbie with a question.
Every now and then I come across a referrence to "herfing". I have yet to come across a clear definition of the word, though. How does one "herf"? If you're "herfing", what are you doing? You'd think after a year of trying out new cigars and learning about the cigar culture that I'd know by now what the heck it means, but I can only guess that it has to do with smoking. But what?
I know there's a bunch of you folks out there who can enlighten me, and I'd appreciate it.
Thanks in advance,
Every now and then I come across a referrence to "herfing". I have yet to come across a clear definition of the word, though. How does one "herf"? If you're "herfing", what are you doing? You'd think after a year of trying out new cigars and learning about the cigar culture that I'd know by now what the heck it means, but I can only guess that it has to do with smoking. But what?
I know there's a bunch of you folks out there who can enlighten me, and I'd appreciate it.
Thanks in advance,
The first rule of herfing is: you do not talk about herfing.
The second rule of herfing is...
Oh, okay. A herf is just an in-person get together to smoke good cigars.
The answer, tho, leads me to another question. Somewhere out there I remember seeing an article having to do with a "herfidor"....or is my memory playing tricks on me?
Herfin' ..... isn't that where you have a bunch 'o playboy bunnies and......wait...no...thats Heffin'...my bad
I wouldn't mind heffin' either, but not sure I want to be a heffer.
A herfador is a travel humidor. The kind of a thing you might carry several cigars in to a herf. If I'm not mistaken, Herf-A-Dor is actually a brand of same.
I was thinking along those lines as I read the thread but you definitely took it to the next level. Well done my friend, well done.
Thanks for the great answers, guys.