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Shipping to Canada safe by Tuesday

wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
The conservatives in Parliament have passed a bill ordering all Canada Post employees back to work by Tuesday. Not sure if US post office will accept Canada-bound packages before Tuesday, but at least mail will flow again.


  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Glad to hear you guys are getting things sorted out!
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    That's awesome news Wayne! I'm sure you and all our other northern brothers are very excited about this
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    The conservatives in Parliament have passed a bill ordering all Canada Post employees back to work by Tuesday. Not sure if US post office will accept Canada-bound packages before Tuesday, but at least mail will flow again.

    It's about time. Let the games continue. I mean finally you guys can get mail, lol...
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    The conservatives in Parliament have passed a bill ordering all Canada Post employees back to work by Tuesday. Not sure if US post office will accept Canada-bound packages before Tuesday, but at least mail will flow again.

    This is just another bizarre bit of political history for the Cons. First the Postal Workers were doing rotating strikes to get their message out. It was effective and NOT very disruptive at all. So the Post Office seeing this decide that they must Lock Out the Postal Workers, and the Government immediately brings in back to work legislation.
    As if this is not a big enough affront to these people rights, the Cons. decided that the form of Binding Arbitration will not be the normal form of arbitration where both sides present their side and the arbitrators comes up with a solution.
    In this system of arbitration both sides present their final offer to the arbitrator and the arbitrator must choose one offer over the other. Any guesses who's side the arbitrator will choose? This is the type of politics that get people like Stephan Harper and the Conservative party so hated here.
    ON the plus side at least we can start to get our sticks again.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    What did you do for your bills? Electric and stuff
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    What did you do for your bills? Electric and stuff
    Well it didn't last very long first off. However a lot of people pay the bills at the bank, or online banking. The strike had little to no effect so the government locked them out. That had an effect.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    We did online banking for a little while and they did the direct withdrawls, we went in the hole very quickly.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    The conservatives in Parliament have passed a bill ordering all Canada Post employees back to work by Tuesday. Not sure if US post office will accept Canada-bound packages before Tuesday, but at least mail will flow again.

    That's good news for all Canadians, especially Diamond Dog.. Poor guy has been losing sleep over being down to his last Three Thousand sticks ! ( You know I'm just messing with you)
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    The conservatives in Parliament have passed a bill ordering all Canada Post employees back to work by Tuesday. Not sure if US post office will accept Canada-bound packages before Tuesday, but at least mail will flow again.

    That's good news for all Canadians, especially Diamond Dog.. Poor guy has been losing sleep over being down to his last Three Thousand sticks ! ( You know I'm just messing with you)
    I dunno, I hear he is putting in a drive thru in his Humi... just sayin'...
  • DiamondogDiamondog Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,169
    The conservatives in Parliament have passed a bill ordering all Canada Post employees back to work by Tuesday. Not sure if US post office will accept Canada-bound packages before Tuesday, but at least mail will flow again.

    That's good news for all Canadians, especially Diamond Dog.. Poor guy has been losing sleep over being down to his last Three Thousand sticks ! ( You know I'm just messing with you)
    I dunno, I hear he is putting in a drive thru in his Humi... just sayin'...
    lol....oh I have treats on the way, many many treats...YAY...
  • KakigogoKakigogo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
    How many Canadians are on the Ccom Forums? I only know one other cigar smoker up here and that's because we started smoking together!
    Wish I lived somewhere in the states where is was forever warm and the cigars flowed freely!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    How many Canadians are on the Ccom Forums? I only know one other cigar smoker up here and that's because we started smoking together! Wish I lived somewhere in the states where is was forever warm and the cigars flowed freely!
    There are several of us on here. Lost a couple in the last year or so. Where are you located? I'm on Vancouver Island.

    Drop by the new members forum and introduce yourself. WELCOME ABOARD.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Wish I lived somewhere in the states where is was forever warm
    Just furthering the stereotype that Canada is a cold and desolate land filled with Mammoths and Eskimos...
  • KakigogoKakigogo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
    I'm from Toronto but currently living in London. And Canada IS a cold as desolate land filled with Mammoths and Eskimos.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I'm from Toronto but currently living in London. And Canada IS a cold as desolate land filled with Mammoths and Eskimos.
    Well maybe most of it is. My part is full of Whales and Costal Natives.

    I was born in T.O. Finally made it out to BC about 25 years ago and haven't looked back since. I sit out in the back yard and watch the Bald Eagles and Herons, listen to the Hawks or just look at the mountains, while enjoying my morning stick. I LOVE morning in the summers here. Nature, from the animals to the ocean or mountains all play an everyday, very important place in my life. I would go completely ballistic if I couldn't "get away from it all" once in a while and just decompress out in nature.

    I have never tripped over an Eskimo... I think that is just a silly notion people have about Canada. You do want to be careful out in "Nature" in Canada however...step in Mammoth sh it once and it is an experience you will never forget:)
  • KakigogoKakigogo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
    That's awesome. I have not been out to BC in 7 years but I'm glad to hear that it's beauty is not lost on you after living there for 25 years. I've been out of Toronto for about 2 years now and I am very glad to be out of the city.

    Sounds like an amazing place to have a morning smoke! (Although I am an evening smoker myself)
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    That's awesome. I have not been out to BC in 7 years but I'm glad to hear that it's beauty is not lost on you after living there for 25 years. I've been out of Toronto for about 2 years now and I am very glad to be out of the city. Sounds like an amazing place to have a morning smoke! (Although I am an evening smoker myself)

    I just got my first order since May. Not a moment too soon either, I was smoking drug store type cigars yesterday. Today I will be digging into a Man O War Toro ! Yes it is ROTT, and yes they have been sitting in the mail system for over a month... but I don't care. Like I said... yesterday I was smoking Drug Store cigars !!!! I have to do something to get that taste out of my brain.
  • KakigogoKakigogo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
    HaHa yea im running low on Cigars, got about 50 left (and many are ISOM and some others that im laying down for a special occasion). Where do you get your cigars from?CCom doesn't ship here anymore. I've had the Man o' War Virtue, great smoke.(i think it was a toro size as well maybe a Churchill?)

    My friend gave me a Backwoods cigar the other day... i nearly cried.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    People still live in Canade? WTF for?
  • willso7willso7 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 156
    I live in cnada(south shore of montreal) a great place to live BOTL,. but problem with shipping , hope one day CCOM will ship again before i left this web site ............................!!!!!!! Naaa dont worry i need this web site for my hobby, like picture that BOTL put and new information on the market :), anyway hope that CCOM will ship again for canadian BOTL ;)
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I live in cnada(south shore of montreal) a great place to live BOTL,. but problem with shipping , hope one day CCOM will ship again before i left this web site ............................!!!!!!! Naaa dont worry i need this web site for my hobby, like picture that BOTL put and new information on the market :), anyway hope that CCOM will ship again for canadian BOTL ;)
    No offense man, I was picking on doug.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I live in cnada(south shore of montreal) a great place to live BOTL,. but problem with shipping , hope one day CCOM will ship again before i left this web site ............................!!!!!!! Naaa dont worry i need this web site for my hobby, like picture that BOTL put and new information on the market :), anyway hope that CCOM will ship again for canadian BOTL ;)
    No offense man, I was picking on doug.
    OH Sure you don't give two sh its about offending me though eh? :):):)
    BTW Maddy. Are you still wearing your fluffy slippers to work?
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I live in cnada(south shore of montreal) a great place to live BOTL,. but problem with shipping , hope one day CCOM will ship again before i left this web site ............................!!!!!!! Naaa dont worry i need this web site for my hobby, like picture that BOTL put and new information on the market :), anyway hope that CCOM will ship again for canadian BOTL ;)
    No offense man, I was picking on doug.
    OH Sure you don't give two sh its about offending me though eh? :):):)
    BTW Maddy. Are you still wearing your fluffy slippers to work?
    You have thick skin, I attribute to your many years of marriage and the cold winds on the island.

    You're making a big assumption that I wear anything to work ...
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I live in cnada(south shore of montreal) a great place to live BOTL,. but problem with shipping , hope one day CCOM will ship again before i left this web site ............................!!!!!!! Naaa dont worry i need this web site for my hobby, like picture that BOTL put and new information on the market :), anyway hope that CCOM will ship again for canadian BOTL ;)
    No offense man, I was picking on doug.
    OH Sure you don't give two sh its about offending me though eh? :):):)
    BTW Maddy. Are you still wearing your fluffy slippers to work?
    You have thick skin, I attribute to your many years of marriage and the cold winds on the island.

    You're making a big assumption that I wear anything to work ...
    OH MAN!!!! Does anyone know how to cleanse that visual from my brain? Oh and the wife would like to have a little talk with you Maddy. (you're in for it now bro'. I know what those "little talks mean)
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I live in cnada(south shore of montreal) a great place to live BOTL,. but problem with shipping , hope one day CCOM will ship again before i left this web site ............................!!!!!!! Naaa dont worry i need this web site for my hobby, like picture that BOTL put and new information on the market :), anyway hope that CCOM will ship again for canadian BOTL ;)
    No offense man, I was picking on doug.
    OH Sure you don't give two sh its about offending me though eh? :):):)
    BTW Maddy. Are you still wearing your fluffy slippers to work?
    You have thick skin, I attribute to your many years of marriage and the cold winds on the island.

    You're making a big assumption that I wear anything to work ...
    OH MAN!!!! Does anyone know how to cleanse that visual from my brain? Oh and the wife would like to have a little talk with you Maddy. (you're in for it now bro'. I know what those "little talks mean)
    DUDE! why would you tell her? This is supposed to be a place where men can talk and not fear their wives! Or a Canadian wife!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I live in cnada(south shore of montreal) a great place to live BOTL,. but problem with shipping , hope one day CCOM will ship again before i left this web site ............................!!!!!!! Naaa dont worry i need this web site for my hobby, like picture that BOTL put and new information on the market :), anyway hope that CCOM will ship again for canadian BOTL ;)
    No offense man, I was picking on doug.
    OH Sure you don't give two sh its about offending me though eh? :):):)
    BTW Maddy. Are you still wearing your fluffy slippers to work?
    You have thick skin, I attribute to your many years of marriage and the cold winds on the island.

    You're making a big assumption that I wear anything to work ...
    OH MAN!!!! Does anyone know how to cleanse that visual from my brain? Oh and the wife would like to have a little talk with you Maddy. (you're in for it now bro'. I know what those "little talks mean)
    DUDE! why would you tell her? This is supposed to be a place where men can talk and not fear their wives! Or a Canadian wife!
    Man I have been married for so long that I didn't have to tell her. While I was reading your post she says , from the other side of the room I might add. "What did he say? You tell him that when your done there I want to have a little talk with him". I've told you before Maddy, she scare the Hell out of me, she does that sort of shite all the time.
    You can put it to the other members to have my man card suspended if you want. Of course I'll have to ask her if I can have it back for a while. LOL
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    I too got mail today! Nothing important, just a few bills.....snail mail isn't really important to me, except when USPS transfers to Canada Post important parcels from PA :)
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I live in cnada(south shore of montreal) a great place to live BOTL,. but problem with shipping , hope one day CCOM will ship again before i left this web site ............................!!!!!!! Naaa dont worry i need this web site for my hobby, like picture that BOTL put and new information on the market :), anyway hope that CCOM will ship again for canadian BOTL ;)
    No offense man, I was picking on doug.
    OH Sure you don't give two sh its about offending me though eh? :):):)
    BTW Maddy. Are you still wearing your fluffy slippers to work?
    You have thick skin, I attribute to your many years of marriage and the cold winds on the island.

    You're making a big assumption that I wear anything to work ...
    OH MAN!!!! Does anyone know how to cleanse that visual from my brain? Oh and the wife would like to have a little talk with you Maddy. (you're in for it now bro'. I know what those "little talks mean)
    DUDE! why would you tell her? This is supposed to be a place where men can talk and not fear their wives! Or a Canadian wife!
    Man I have been married for so long that I didn't have to tell her. While I was reading your post she says , from the other side of the room I might add. "What did he say? You tell him that when your done there I want to have a little talk with him". I've told you before Maddy, she scare the Hell out of me, she does that sort of shite all the time.
    You can put it to the other members to have my man card suspended if you want. Of course I'll have to ask her if I can have it back for a while. LOL
    If yours is suspended, mine will be too. My wife is an Aleutian Indian, I'm f*cking terrified of her. I'm convinced she'd go all tribal and gut me like a seal ...
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