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Suggested Improvements to the Forum



  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Ever been arrested in a foreign country ? LMAO
    Almost! The French are all good with boobs in public but they get their panties in a twist when you take a leak in public.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Ever been arrested in a foreign country ? LMAO
    Almost! The French are all good with boobs in public but they get their panties in a twist when you take a leak in public.
    That's because its men wearing the panties.LOL
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    FWIW, I'm counting my posts so I can get to 1,000 and offer a contest.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    i know it may be a bit selfish, but i have put a ton of time and posts into this forum and i would hate to lose them all.... especially in my catalog. so i lose everything that i have put hard work into so that you guys dont have to type out a line break in HTML?
    that kinda sucks.
    Correct me if I've got this wrong, but it sounds like you're basically saying that rather than make the forum more user friendly for everybody, and that is important because not everyone understands basic HTML, you'd prefer to maintain your status as forum Big Dog at the expense of other users who are not as internet savvy. I'm not trying to call you out Matt, I'm just saying that a forum software that is easier to utilize for all skill levels benefits everyone, whereas what you mentioned benefits one person...you.

    And I'm not even really disagreeing with you for the most part, but yeah, that does sound a bit selfish.

    From my perspective, I get the HTML stuff enough to make this forum work for me without a problem, I've got no issue with that. And in the same breath, if a new forum software would make it easier for everyone else to use the forum, I'd gladly start out at zero again. Maybe that's a sign that I just have too much free time to post and have not contributed as much to the forum as you, I'm not really one to judge that, but to me post count is just a number.

    If I'm way off base here, I'll just shut up and go kick rocks, but I wanted to put a different view out there. A forum is about the community, not one person.
    i did say it was a bit selfish... but there were other points made that were ignored. there is a ton of info on this forum that would be lost forever if everything was new. there are posts that wont happen again. there are threads that are crazy useful. there are tons of things that I didnt post that would be lost.

    yes, that one point is selfish. and i did admit that, but there is more to it than that.

    for the record, i knew exactly zero HTML when i signed up to this forum. the thread about formatting your posts helped me learn what i needed to know. and frankly, if it was a sticky, it would not be an issue for 99% of the people that show up here.

    yes, i DO want to maintain my post count. that represents YEARS of posting and research that helped me to understand the world of cigars better.
    but it is NOT because i want to be viewed as a "forum big dog"

    this thread is one of the only times where i have mentioned my post count in anything other than a contest for it, or as a joke that i have no life.
    I dont "throw my post count around" and make others feel like they dont know what they are talking about because i happen to post like i have no life... ( i mean i dont have a life) I do feel that everyone has good things to say and good opinions about cigars. it is such a subjective topic that it is difficult to have a "wrong" opinion about cigars. I always like what others have to say and i read damn near every post on this forum. i love it all.

    i have a feeling that i have learned just as much (if not more) from all of the people on this forum than i have put out there.
    since i know you (j0z3r) and have been on this forum with you for years, i dont feel like you are disrespecting me. I do feel a bit hurt that you would insinuate that i would be that selfish.
    it is about more than me. the posts on this forum benefit more than just me. all the posts benefit everyone.

    as said above, if we could retain everything, post count, info, all old threads etc, i would have zero opposition to making it easier to use.

    i still feel that this format is very easy to use, and adding a sticky about formatting posts could solve 99% of any issues. in fact, we already have that thread: CLICK

    iduno... its not a threat, but if i lost all of my posts, and my catalog, and my blending 101 thread,etc, i would be nothing short of pissed. yeah i have copies of these things on my computer, but i didnt copy the questions, the comments, and all the other good points you guys made that go along with. I would feel a bit hurt by Ccom.

    This is something I dislike about the forum experience in general...I addressed a broad range of your concerns with a narrow response of my own, that was my fault for not taking a bit more care and perhaps employing a bit more tact. And I may as well just flat out say the "forum big dog" line was just an *** bit on my part, I don't know why that came out as you've never presented yourself as a "look at my post count" kind of guy, but I do offer apologies for that.

    Part of the problem was what I left unsaid, for what reason I did that I don't know as you can't read my mind to see my whole perspective on the subject and I did a piss poor job of communicating it. The part about starting over from a zero post count, no problem there...but I too would hate to see all the content we've cultivated over the past few years flushed down the tube, on that point we are in complete agreement...actually, despite how my post came off, I think we are in agreement on more points than not.

    I'm just going to take this moment to abandon the post I made previously, I no longer support what I said when I was either cranky, tired or just not really thinking about what I was posting.

    And I sincerely hope that you don't take anything I said personally, because I didn't mean anything in that way...I'm not the most diplomatic of people, sometimes I kind of just say (type) things without thinking through how they might be perceived by the target (internet syndrome, maybe?), so I do apologize if you felt that I was taking shots at you in any way. Because of the amount of information you've contributed, your post count and longevity on the board, I've noticed a lot of what I'll term "kuzi worship", well let me say right now that while I don't worship you Matt, I do respect you and what you bring to this forum and would hate to sully that with a hastily written, ill thought out post.

    In summation...this forum was, is, and will be like a family; it's growing bigger, and we don't all always see eye to eye, but that's ok...I wouldn't change a thing...except maybe when I hit the enter key the forum software would insert the line space...that's all I really ever wanted, text formatting be damned.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I hope one thing doesn't change (and guys, it's lassy, so take this with a grain of salt)

    The Font
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    joe... no worries.
    i have grown some thicker skin as of late.

    that and you dont seem to have much hate in your heart.
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