Being over half way to retirement and just got done with my 4th tour through in 3 different countries, I've lost some close friends over the years. 9 to be exact, 13 if you count the guys I barely knew but worked with. On Memorial Day I like to tell my kids the life story of one of my fallen friends. They've all heard their names over the years since I talk about my work at home from time to time. But the previous stories are usually of funny or crazy things that happen while on det in Vegas, Yuma, or some other little detachement. I always start off by saying...Remember such and such. They usually can recall the stupid act committed. Kids have an unbelieveable memory sometimes. But this 4th of July I'm celebrating that we didn't lose anyone this deployment! 4th deployment and noone was killed!! We brought everyone home, some broken and battered but alive to have a beer on Independence Day! In my experience, thats something to celebrate all in itself!