Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

Jetmech's 2000th post!

Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
I know there has been some heat on the board as of late regarding post counts but I'll stick with tradition :). Can't believe I've been around for 3 years already. Got married, had ups and downs, went on deployment and just recently bought a house(the reason I haven't been posting much lately, but I'm getting better :), god knows how many trades too, just a long winded way of saying I love you guys. So onto the game!
I call this Karma Bomb and the rules are simple.
- Send me a PM(do not public post) of the name of a BOTL that is most deserving of being bombed back to the stone age(and some of you know I don't f@?k around w/ bombs).
- everyone gets to vote once
- first two people to be nominated 3 times get a complimentary missle launched at their house!
Just that easy. Love you guys, let the nominating begin:)


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