Yea, this story has about as much to do with abortion as the speed limits on the highways do. The pro-choice group takes their fight way beyond the protection of "women's rights" in this case. The first woman overdosed on coke and killed a baby. Not a fetus that she medically terminated, a baby inside her that she killed with an illegal drug. Any rational person should see the problem with this regardless of their views on abortion.
I'm pro-choice too. I'm all for asking the unborn baby if he/she wants to live or die. Unfortunately you'll have to wait a significant amount of time after birth until they can make that decision. As far as does a woman have a right to kill a child, under no circumstances.
I just want people to be responsible on the whole. don't make babies if you can't feed them. if you do, then step your ass up and take care of the child. make sure they go to school. be a responsible person for your child's sake. I don't have a college degree. I have 3 kids and had them after I got married. I get absolutely and have never received any government support. I don't get tax breaks, free food, or cheap housing. If I can do it, someone else can as well. That's my take on the whole "big government" thing. They never helped me so why do they need to help anyone else. I know that sounds very cruel but it's the truth and its frustrating to watch handouts going to my wife's cousin who made every wrong decision, yet we qualify for nothing because we've tried so hard to make a good life for ourselves. It's kinda de-motivating.
I like what dennisking says more and more. He is right on and I +1 on his comments. For those of you who think life is about self responsibility and being accountable for one's actions (as opposed to a self entitlement and things being someone else's fault mentality) then you better get ready for the upcoming presidential elections. BO is not on our side.
I don't know if it is medically possible, but tie the tubes of the females or give the boys a vicectomy at birth, and when they turn 21 and can pass a test showing they are capable people, both the men and women, they can become parents.
Or maybe if you end welfare entirely you will find those babies on the street dead of starvation or exposure since now that cant be supported after birth or aborted prior to it.