Neither one of these cigars are anything like any Cuban cigar, IMO. Frankly, Cuban seed tobacco grown in countries other than Cuba tends to taste nothing like Cuban tobacco. That said, Dominican tobacco and Nicaraguan tobacco also tend not to taste anything alike.
I think both of those sticks do a lot better with some time on them. 6 months is good, a year is better. Some folks like 'em fresh though, so YMMV. I've got a box of Ruinations that's just shy of 1.5 years that I need to dig out sometime.
They are both blended by AJ but that's where the similarity ends for me. The Graycliff is a cedar bomb where the ruination is more earthy and rich. I like them both but they are in no way comparable to a Cuban. They are both fuller bodied IMO.
I've got a box of Ruinations that's just shy of 1.5 years that I need to dig out sometime.
haha, me too. Funny how that happens. I told myself I was going to crack the seal at a year and when a year rolled around, well it was buried too deep to bother with. Maybe at 2 years.