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Facts Need To Stay On The Board...

DiamondogDiamondog Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,169
I see that a recent thread was pulled from the board, probably at the thread starters request and I understand the feelings as to probably why BUT there should be some record for members of this board old and new alike to be able to see what they are possibly getting in to trading with members here...just my opinion of course...Maybe ccom can implement some kind of trade rating for each memeber that members can track their trade success/failures...


  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    I agree. Even the "good trader's list" is difficult, because it is unchangeable and fairly unsearchable. So good AND bad, there is an issue, and we need some way to better know who to trade with.

    I can understand the exception would be if there was some issue of slander, but as you said, facts should remain on the board. Slanderous remarks or comments can be removed or edited without removing an entire thread.

    I should say this with the caveat that I have never been involved in either end of a bad trade...at least I assume so, no one has told me I sent bum sticks or anything.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    Funny you mentioned this,, Being pretty new I was completely oblivious to anything until I read the thread that was deleted.. I do always try to keep an open mind and give people the benefit of the doubt. With that being said I'm a little more aware of the possibilities now. All in All I'm impressed by everyone that Ive had any correspondence with, as well as the content of 95% of the posts I have read.. You guys are good people.. Thanks
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Would like to see that as well DD, and maintain that thread was not a bashing or unfair------more of a public service announcement that you can either heed or not heed (smokers afterall, I think we should all be familiar of these little disclaimers of what COULD happen...your choice to listen or not)
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Interesting observation DD. Big brother is always watching!
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 979
    I missed this. Could someone Pm about what was taken down?
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Would like to see that as well DD, and maintain that thread was not a bashing or unfair------more of a public service announcement that you can either heed or not heed (smokers afterall, I think we should all be familiar of these little disclaimers of what COULD happen...your choice to listen or not)
    +1. If there's a trend of shady doings, dont we owe it to each other to put FACTS out there? We call each other BROTHERS of the Leaf - where's the brotherhood in watching your fellow brothers get run up in when you might have prevented it?

  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
    How about if we attach a little subjective bio to the list of addresses we email out to all the new members upon request? That way not only are our contact info and address available but where on the a'hole scale we are! Perfect!

    Kidding, kidding, just throwing out a little comic relief there. I do agree, we should figure out a way to keep facts of all sorts available and searchable without it becoming a thread full of slander and off-topic heated debate.

    How to do that though, that's a tough call.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    I just want to go on for the record..I never request the thread about my trading be removed...not once did I complain...I screwed up and admitted fault was mine and would correct it. I was perfectly ok with that thread being out there.

    Ill be finishing up my current trades, making good on my past bad ones, then ill be moving on from trading for good.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    Would be nice if they could implement itrader ratings like most other websites. Not sure what format this forum is set up in or how easy it would be to add.
  • dwayne3307dwayne3307 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 272
    Would be nice if they could implement itrader ratings like most other websites. Not sure what format this forum is set up in or how easy it would be to add.
    I was thinking about something like eBay has where you see their feedback rating by their name. Maybe instead of seeing a post count, you see their rating based on other member's feedback. So anytime you bomb someone or send out some lottery winnings the receiver can leave feedback for you.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    Would be nice if they could implement itrader ratings like most other websites. Not sure what format this forum is set up in or how easy it would be to add.
    I was thinking about something like eBay has where you see their feedback rating by their name. Maybe instead of seeing a post count, you see their rating based on other member's feedback. So anytime you bomb someone or send out some lottery winnings the receiver can leave feedback for you.
    That is exactly what itrader is. You described it perfectly.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I see a mini government forming here. Individuals policing themselves. We have those wanting censorship and control and others electing a free-for-all. No real rules yet. From what I see we have mostly moral men fraternizing with other moral men, following already established societal guidelines. That works for me.
    When one does not follow these very loose guidelines, they get called out. Thats human nature. How one responds is quite telling. Getting called out more than once is very telling.
  • dwayne3307dwayne3307 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 272
    Would be nice if they could implement itrader ratings like most other websites. Not sure what format this forum is set up in or how easy it would be to add.
    I was thinking about something like eBay has where you see their feedback rating by their name. Maybe instead of seeing a post count, you see their rating based on other member's feedback. So anytime you bomb someone or send out some lottery winnings the receiver can leave feedback for you.
    That is exactly what itrader is. You described it perfectly.
    Being 100% honest, i've never heard of itrader until now. Having something like that here would be great imo.
    And Beatnic I completely agree with everything you said except the "mini government" part. To me it just sounds like everyone wants an easier and more efficient way to know who's a good guy and who's not such a good guy. Now since we're from La, we're good guys so it doesn't really matter! hahaha
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Would be nice if they could implement itrader ratings like most other websites. Not sure what format this forum is set up in or how easy it would be to add.
    I was thinking about something like eBay has where you see their feedback rating by their name. Maybe instead of seeing a post count, you see their rating based on other member's feedback. So anytime you bomb someone or send out some lottery winnings the receiver can leave feedback for you.
    That is exactly what itrader is. You described it perfectly.
    Being 100% honest, i've never heard of itrader until now. Having something like that here would be great imo.
    And Beatnic I completely agree with everything you said except the "mini government" part. To me it just sounds like everyone wants an easier and more efficient way to know who's a good guy and who's not such a good guy. Now since we're from La, we're good guys so it doesn't really matter! hahaha
    We have to police ourselves or one will form for us. We don't want that. I agree, let's follow the Louisiana way. Laissez les bons temps roulle. Heya.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I'd say that we just RESTART the Good Traders and Stand up Folks list, but no one post pics, or stories...
    All you do is just QUOTE the orginial Post and then add in your name that you want to add... And if that person is ALREADY on the list, then you just put a +1 (or 2, 3, 5 etc) next to their name...

    This way we start off fresh, everyone can chime in and if anyone has a BAD instance of a trade they can subtract a number or put them on a "Forbidden List" at the bottom...

    not crazy stats, no Ebay stuff, just make sure that you QUOTE the orginal thread and add what you'd like... Done and Done, one stop shop from now on!
  • DiamondogDiamondog Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,169
    Another option...at another board I frequent you can click on a persons profile and add a trader comment to that person and they are listed in their profile...
  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    I'd say that we just RESTART the Good Traders and Stand up Folks list, but no one post pics, or stories...
    All you do is just QUOTE the orginial Post and then add in your name that you want to add... And if that person is ALREADY on the list, then you just put a +1 (or 2, 3, 5 etc) next to their name...

    This way we start off fresh, everyone can chime in and if anyone has a BAD instance of a trade they can subtract a number or put them on a "Forbidden List" at the bottom...

    not crazy stats, no Ebay stuff, just make sure that you QUOTE the orginal thread and add what you'd like... Done and Done, one stop shop from now on!
    not a bad idear, just would be a pain to keep up sorta and what for people like me who have no time/monies fir trading atm? no reason to boot a perfectly decent (least I try) of a BOTL off a list?
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I'd say that we just RESTART the Good Traders and Stand up Folks list, but no one post pics, or stories...
    All you do is just QUOTE the orginial Post and then add in your name that you want to add... And if that person is ALREADY on the list, then you just put a +1 (or 2, 3, 5 etc) next to their name...

    This way we start off fresh, everyone can chime in and if anyone has a BAD instance of a trade they can subtract a number or put them on a "Forbidden List" at the bottom...

    not crazy stats, no Ebay stuff, just make sure that you QUOTE the orginal thread and add what you'd like... Done and Done, one stop shop from now on!
    not a bad idear, just would be a pain to keep up sorta and what for people like me who have no time/monies fir trading atm? no reason to boot a perfectly decent (least I try) of a BOTL off a list?
    That's why we start over, but anyone can VOUCH for anyone else... Not only on RECENT trades, but people can hit "QUOTE" and put down the names they KNOW are legit! And, if we want, we can also just set a minimum POST induction (i.e. if you have over 500 posts you are okay, no one would stick around THAT long with my musings just to stiff someone of 5 cigars!!!)
  • DiamondogDiamondog Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,169
    we can also just set a minimum POST induction (i.e. if you have over 500 posts you are okay, no one would stick around THAT long with my musings just to stiff someone of 5 cigars!!!)
    Actually someone did...
  • DiamondogDiamondog Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,169
    we can also just set a minimum POST induction (i.e. if you have over 500 posts you are okay, no one would stick around THAT long with my musings just to stiff someone of 5 cigars!!!)
    Actually someone did...and I personally believe its because there is no official way to track traders
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    we can also just set a minimum POST induction (i.e. if you have over 500 posts you are okay, no one would stick around THAT long with my musings just to stiff someone of 5 cigars!!!)
    Actually someone did...and I personally believe its because there is no official way to track traders
    We could also do a BOLO (Be On the LookOut) thread... Mainly because most guys that want to trade are okay... and the minority is in people that suck... Just a thought... I'm not a huge Bomber/trader..................................... yet.....
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    we can also just set a minimum POST induction (i.e. if you have over 500 posts you are okay, no one would stick around THAT long with my musings just to stiff someone of 5 cigars!!!)
    Actually someone did...and I personally believe its because there is no official way to track traders
    We could also do a BOLO (Be On the LookOut) thread... Mainly because most guys that want to trade are okay... and the minority is in people that suck... Just a thought... I'm not a huge Bomber/trader..................................... yet.....
    But with something like that, or a bad traders list, it'd be a permanent scarlet letter; almost no way to get off. IF we do something like this, I'm in favor of the ebay system; good, bad, and neutral - one bad score won't ruin your rep, but others will be cautious when dealing, and after some good deals, the good score will outweigh the bad and you'll be back on good ground
  • DiamondogDiamondog Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,169
    These rating systems are a moot point unless ccom adds to the board :( I will say this, from my time here I have only seen a handful of bad situations brought to light and 99.9% good, that being said there could be enough going on that doesn't get discussed to warrant something...
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    there could be enough going on that doesn't get discussed to warrant something...
    I think that's the heart of the issue here. Maybe we should just create a thread of incidents. Just the facts: the trade/game, the incident, the resolution. Having one, maybe two incidents up there shouldn't implicate a brother as a bad trader. Having many would. All could then peruse the thread and the good trader's thread and make their own judgments/notes of who they want to be cautious with or avoid altogether.

    But the whole "don't call a brother out" thing is kinda garbage IMO. All that does it create a good ol' boys club that people will be wary of. I agree that this brotherhood implies a certain level of respect for your brothers, which is why only facts should be posted rather than some angry post in the heat of the moment.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    The whole time I've been on this forum, this is only the 2nd time I've seen an issue with trading. IMO, I don't think this warrants a vast overhaul of the boards nor a drastic change when what we do now.
  • skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
    The whole time I've been on this forum, this is only the 2nd time I've seen an issue with trading. IMO, I don't think this warrants a vast overhaul of the boards nor a drastic change when what we do now.

    +1...let's not fix what isn't broken
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Why don't you just post a date, name, and how it went in your bio for your trades? Then when you want to trade with someone, you can see their history and be able to verify that history when you check out the bio's of who they traded with. Simple, easy, and everyone can do it.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    One of the things that used to drive me batshit crazy in the military was the "group blanket" solution to problems. If one person did something asinine, leadership would institute a new policy that would apply to everyone in the squadron (sometimes 400+ people) would have to follow, instead of just addressing the problem at its source directly.

    That being said, if this is an isolated incident (as I believe it is, since I personally have NEVER had an issue with any other trade, pass or anything with ANYONE on here), is reinventing the wheel so to speak really necessary? I will gladly go along with any rating system that comes about from this, but I wonder how effective it will be... lets face it fellas, information technology is NOT CCom's strong suit (how long have we been asking for instant messaging and chat rooms, the CCom staff doesnt get 99% of the pm's we send them, etc).

    I dunno, I wish I had a great idea to add here but I unfortunately dont. I think this incident played out naturally, as it should have. The BOTL in question had plenty of time to correct the actions which caused this whole hubub and failed to, which sparked what happened here. Unless there is a whole sordid underbelly of this kind of crap going on (again I doubt it, or I sincerely believe it would have come to light just as this one did), do we need a new system - or do we just handle the isolated incident and press on?

  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    I agree that we don't need to overhaul anything. I'm just saying let's post incidents when they occur in a calm and rational, fact-oriented manner, and take them with the grain of salt they should be taken with if they are isolated and well-resolved. There is this harmful negative stigma attached to saying anything other than "This guy is awesome!!!" right now that I feel needs to go away. If anything, it'll make "This guy is awesome!!!" posts mean more.

    And, for what its worth, I'm saying this with no incidents to report. The strongest part of this solution, perhaps, is that if it is truly unnecessary it'll quickly be buried on Page 100 of the forum and never be seen again, whereas if it is necessary it will be clearly visible.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    F_U_C_K_ I get a JOB disapear from the forums for a while due to INSANE BUSY LIFE and I miss all the GREAT ***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED HERE DD......... From What I See ............... LOL I hate to Say I told you all so!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PM DD and let me in on the Goodies!
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