I have an accent. Southern, but a specific regional one only found in a certain part of Richmond Va. Can't really explain, or type anything phonetically, but if you're heard it you know it.
I live in Oregon. we sound like the people on the news channels. that means no accent for me. for those on the east coast, it's a "stocking cap" or "beanie" not a toboggan. dumb. a toboggan is a sled.
I'm hick. I pee off my front porch midday with a cigar in my mouth. Ya'll, howdo, howdie, plum reckon, reckoleckt, so hungry my stomach thinks my throats been cut, seegarz, etc...
I guess I have your typical Chicago accent. Lot a dem and deres when I talk. I park my car in a grach. I sit in the frunchroom. And I eat sketti n meatballs. Oh and I say t!ts a lot. Like, "That Casa Magna Colorado was t!ts, you gotta try one."
I'm hick. I pee off my front porch midday with a cigar in my mouth. Ya'll, howdo, howdie, plum reckon, reckoleckt, so hungry my stomach thinks my throats been cut, seegarz, etc...
bastardized Scottish with Georgia now. If I get annoyed the Scottish comes out, or if I an talking about home. Normally most people ask me about 10 mins into a conversation "Where are you from?".
No accent that I can think of, but when I get mad, habits learned from 20 yrs in NJ come out . . . . women, children, gays, straight, blacks, hispanics, asians, whites, and those with sensitivities best cover your ears. I don't discriminate when I swear - I insult everyone, regardless of race, gender, or political affiliation.
No accent that I can think of, but when I get mad, habits learned from 20 yrs in NJ come out . . . . women, children, gays, straight, blacks, hispanics, asians, whites, and those with sensitivities best cover your ears. I don't discriminate when I swear - I insult everyone, regardless of race, gender, or political affiliation.
Heck yeah. I guess I say cawfee sometimes, and the beach is the shore, and you go down the shore, f*ck if I know why. Other than that, not much accent here, but I do stutter. Maybe that's why I have no accent, I've been taught how to talk by so many different people since I was 2 its all just kinda mushed together...
Someone once said I sounded like I was from Wisconsin. At the time I think I had spent all of 30 minutes in WI while visiting my grandma in Illinois, but aside from that I can count the times I've been out of California on one hand and still have fingers left over.