mold in a humidor
If I had mold on cigars and very little on the wood of the humidor what would you recommend I do? I only had a xikar 250 count in the humidor that holds approximately 125-150 cigars. Is that too big of a xikar humidifier in there? I figured it would be fine since they "only release 70% humidity" regardless of the size of the humidor. Any help from someone with experience would be great. Thanks!
Do you know what the source of the mold was? If it was just from the cigar then you should not have any further problems.
If mold returns in the future (from this same incidence) I would use some 10% bleach solution and rescrub the area. let if dry while open and reseason again.
As for your humidity, I am not familliar with the one you mentioned. Is it able to both give off and take in humidity? I use the beads because they are so versatile. It could have been caused by too much humidity. What was the temp. where the humi was stored? You only used distilled water? Lot's of things to check out to make sure you correct the problem.
If your humidifier only GIVES off Humidity then it may be too much, but if your hygrometer is calibrated (look up "Salt Test" in forums) and it is reading around 70% Relative Humidity then your humidifier is fine. If you're worried you can get "Beads" made from Silicone (Heartfelt Industries or ConservaGel) that not only OUTPUT humidity, but they take it IN if you're overhumidified.
BUT, I would say something had to put Mold in there in the first place, either you're not using Distilled water, or you are actually OVERhumidified or something else that leads to MOLD.
Secondly - To get rid of Mold:
If the mold was small and just starting and you have some good sticks, I'd say brush it off and smoke 'em soon, just don't leave them in the humi. To make sure you get the mold out of your Humidor you want to take a fine grit sandpaper and sand where you see mold and any place you THINK mold may have touched. Make sure you get all the dust out and REseason your humidor. If you think the mold is bad you may also want to take Vineagar and some water mixture and wipe the inside of your humi down and let it dry thoroughly and then reseason it.
After that make DOUBLE sure you aren't overhumidifying your stuff and get a "Calibrating Hygrometer" so that you KNOW you won't be over 70% Rh
Hope this helps!
As for sticks, +1 on what Lasabar said. Wipe em down and smoke em sooner than later. As long is the mold didn't really get into the foot of the cigar i don't think it should be a major issue.
As far as the sticks from Miami being the culprit of mold, I have no idea but i guess they could have introduced mold spores into your humi, but again I'm just guessing on that. If there's any doubt at all I'd just quarantine those sticks from the rest of the herd.