I would like to have one a day, but I don't always have the time required to truly enjoy a cigar. So it works out to about four or five a week. I do however have a few with me at all times just in case.
I'm somewhere around 2-5 per week. Usually drive around on my lunch break with my buddy and smoke a cigar. That'll probably drop off for a while though with moving and starting a new job.
I'm currently at the 3 - 5 per week mark. I work four ten hour shifts a week, so the days I work are pretty busy, but I get one in there when I can. I try to get one on each of my days off, however.
Reason # 5,286 why I love my job - usually when we have a staff meeting at my little office (3 of us), we have it in front of an open bay door with a fan behind us & its a combination meeting / herf. Life is GOOD! :-)
Anywhere from 0-1 in a week to 3 in a day, it's wildly unpredictable when smoking opportunities will present themselves. One thing I've learned is to not try and force the time to fit smoking into the schedule, it almost is never a great experience. Better to just let it unfold itself.