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Cigar Dye on Lips - How to get rid of?



  • Gurkha Man!Gurkha Man! Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    not getting involved with the RP hate here, rather im gunna refer to the original post...
    take preventative measures maybe?
    you think that putting on chapstick before smoking would help?

    i have always just taken a paper towel and rubbed the end of the cigar before i smoked it or to just wipe off my lips while i do smoke it but then again i havent had this issue that many of times
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Yeah it was a pretty nasty, burnt taste when this happened. If it is tar, any remedy or fix for my lip?
    smoke as "dry" as you can. wet sloppy cigars will produce more of this. dry ones wont. also if your Rh is too high then i suspect that this will promote this situation.
  • BigT06BigT06 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,899
    I've never had any sort of residue left over from smoking. I suppose I've been lucky?
    Me either... guess I'm lucky too. I don't smoke many maduros so I think that I've avoided cigar dye just based on personal preference, but I do smoke a lot of super full body cigars, so I guess I've just lucked out on the tar issue. Or maybe I've just not noticed... it seems like a wet paper towel would take care of it though...?
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    uh... if you pulled a Clinton, its not tar go straight to the doctor! No one here hates RP, its just that most of us enjoy good cigars!
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