Nope that movie is not it. I just want to know how that chick knew about the warp whistle at the end of the mini castle. The game was at its world premiere. There is no way she could have known. None the less it's not it. In this movie one of the main characters has blue hair
whats the required waiting period after winning? I won about 3 weeks ago... can't remember if the wait is 2 weeks or a month... but I have a good guess for this one...
Im pretty sure its 2 weeks Rob-----guess away, and while I hope you win , I hope its on a later clue because some of you guys are freakin unbelievable at guessing stuff with not much info, lol.
Neither movie is correct I fear----though I loved the Invention of Lying (or at least when she said the word masturb@tion----which just did it for me)................Hint #1: This movie is over 20 years old.