Dridamp, yea or nay?

in Cigar 101
Has anyone else heard of this little device? I saw it a while ago and picked one up. Tried it once or twice after I had a little incident with climate control in my humi, and of course it said my stogies were dry (which they were). Since then they've been sitting on a shelf.
About two months of careful vigilance later I cautiously tried one of them and it smoked fine. I just found the Dridamp tester on a shelf, though, and tested a few out of curiosity... 3 of the 4 I tested read that they were fine, although one was towards the dry end. It's hard to tell how the thing is calibrated, though, in order to understand what the reading is telling you.
Has anyone used one of these with any success? More importantly, any pointers on how to make the most of the readings?
About two months of careful vigilance later I cautiously tried one of them and it smoked fine. I just found the Dridamp tester on a shelf, though, and tested a few out of curiosity... 3 of the 4 I tested read that they were fine, although one was towards the dry end. It's hard to tell how the thing is calibrated, though, in order to understand what the reading is telling you.
Has anyone used one of these with any success? More importantly, any pointers on how to make the most of the readings?
personally i dont need a machine to tell me if my cigars are to moist or to dry. I can tell just by the way they feel, and later, how they burn. By the time you are into cigars enough that you are buying extra accesories this accesory becomes obsolete. I wouldnt buy this if i smoked 3 cigars a year and it cost $25 im not into cigars enough at that point to care. I dont need to buy it if i smoke 3 cigars a month because i know that my humidor will keep it at the correct RH. the humidity is at 65% in my humidor 100% of the time. i guess i dont understand the point of that device if you are using a humidor.
I was mostly asking because, with the temperature going up and down like it is in MD right now, it seems to be pushing the RH a tad too high... I'm going to order some of those humidity beads you all recommended in that other thread ASAP and wait a few weeks for things to stabilize, but I was wondering if the Dridamp gauge would be able to accurately gauge when they were ready to smoke again.
gott, I to am in MD and the weather was playing havoc with my RH as well. While reading everything on the boards here about the beads, I ordered some and recieved them just last week. They seem to be working great. I would highly recommend even as a new user of the beads.
Since you mentioned the Cigar Oasis, I was wondering, how practical would it be to use one of those in a smaller 250ct desktop style humidor? I read the dimensions a while back and if I remember correctly it would have fit. My only concern was the cord, but now you're suggesting propping the lid slightly open anyway, which negates that point. Of course, I don't know how practical it would be to use one at this time of the year since the problem is keeping the humidity DOWN.
Idunno, I'll probably just stick with the getting some of the beads... they're probably more practical for a smaller humidor. Since I'm getting them to lower the humidity down to 70, would it be best to just put them in without charging them first? Or should I still add some water, just maybe not as much?
Hail fellow MD cigar nut!
Thanks all of you who have responded for being patient with all my questions! I just wanna get this right the first time so I don't have to be so paranoid about RH issues anymore.
My condolences to Mr. Partagas. Let's hope none of his friends in your humi met a similar fate.