Home Cigar 101


rdpitts43rdpitts43 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14
So I go to a local bar Saturday, whip out my Perdomo Silvio and apply my torch to the end to start toasting it. Right behind me a waitress says, "We don't allow cigar smoking in here any more." The weekend before it did not bother them. So I look at the end of the Silvio and notice it has just a slight black burn to the very end tobacco, no deep burn as I can tell and the cigar is cool to the touch. I very light smell of burnt tobacco comes from the end, so light that I really had to put the cigar up to my nose to smell it. So my question is this, is my Silvio ruined? I went home promptly put it in my humidor away from the other cigars and with the exception of the burnt end it now looks and smells almost like new, but will it smoke and taste the same?


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