Much ado about nothing

well with today's event...I don't think things will 'change' very much
I can't put into words how this whole thing has irked me but it really makes me wonder what direction this country is going in...
I can't put into words how this whole thing has irked me but it really makes me wonder what direction this country is going in...
...just not much of it will be how government is run.
it will be politics as usual.
as far as the common folk?
we will continue down the road that we have been on some time. changing slowly from liberty to regulation. was a third of Obama's
I don't like to see millions of dollars thrown around on inaugurals, either. It's not taxpayer money, so I guess I don't really have much say in it, but it's still unseemly.
As for the labor management practices at the DCPD, I pretty much never understand how any organization makes those decisions. They rarely make any sense to me. If I were guessing in this case, though, I'd guess it probably has something to do with the loaded cost (wages + bennies) of having an officer on the force full time. I dunno what health insurance for cops costs, but it can't be cheap. The PD probably is saving a lot of money with a smaller force, even with the inauguration OT. As for why they're laying people off when the crime rate is high, my guess is they probably just don't have the money. Cities and states are the first ones hit when the economy craters.
I don't know what the rules are on this, but it occurs to me it's possible the Obama Inauguration Committee, or whatever it's called, has to reimburse the city for some or all of those OT costs.
this is why i feel that we are on the brink of some larger change than Obama. its gunna be one of two ways:
1) we are gunna find ourselves in a very socialist country very quickly.
there will be a rise in some third party because of all the people getting fed up with the BS that republocrats are feeding us.
I could see it being the Libertarian party if they stopped having Idiots run for president. that and they need to start smaller than that. whatever. there is change in the air, but it isnt coming out of Obama... something else is coming out of Obama