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RCY Cigars Real Cigar Talk

RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
The last two months I have done some trades. From what I get, they have been kind of lopsided in some people eyes. The question in hand is this. If you want to try a certain cigar or if there is a cigar you truly enjoy. If you have the cigar that the other BOTL wants to try. That's kind of highend in comparison to the cigar he has that's your favorite or a cigar you want to try. Do you make the trade especially if you have boxes or several of the cigars he wants try? Example: I remember when I got a low end cigar from Alienmisprint through the troop bombing they did when I was abroad. At that point of time, I did not know the difference of a highend or lowend cigar. I just knew what a like. I'm still stuck in that mode. When I found out what cigar that was and I could get it at very low price. I was overly excited. But before finding out it was a lowend cigar. I told Alienmisprint I was willing to trade whatever for it. Now, Alienmisprint did not take advantage of that. As you can see. But is it okay to make trades like that? Or do you think you should just try and match the cost of that same stick? Maybe even just suck up the lost of getting the cigar all together because you can't match it even if you have one that's priced higher that you have plenty off? Just wondering what people think. Sometimes we as a BOTL do things not knowing the unwritten law. So with that, you ask questions......


  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    In my opinion the cost of a cigar is not nearly as important as the flavor and enjoyment it brings. That said, the few trades I have done I was upfront with what I had to offer which is always cigars I enjoy smoking regardless of their perceived heirarchy in the cigar world which is terribly skewed at times. An example of this is the lowly GH 2002, LPH series, and many other bargain priced cigars, inexpensive but bring great pleasure to the consumer
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    RCY Cigars:
    Or do you think you should just try and match the cost of that same stick?
    here is what i do:
    i make the deal how the other person sees fit. this is roughly a cost based trade with some consideration to difficulty of getting the cigar. then i usually send a few extra for good measure.

    Whats a few cigars between friends?

  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I don't pay much attention to the price of sticks when trading or sending them out.

    I sound like you, in that there are several low cost sticks that I really like. If I trade for sticks I like, and I can trade some to a BOTL who likes the sticks I send, then cost difference is not important.

    There comes a point where you do have to pay attention to what you are sending compared to what you are receiving but the BOTL around here all seem pretty standup and wouldn't take advantage of say someone who wasn't aware of the differences in the prices of some sticks.

    If I am sending out a bomb, participating in some project like your recent cabinet or just trading... I try to send something from the persons fav's. or at least some sticks that I really love myself. At least that way if the BOTL get's something he has listed in his bio or I send him some of my favorite's then I can feel that I did the best I could to make the transaction enjoyable for both people. That's what this hobby is all about. ENJOYMENT. Enjoyment of a good cigar, shared with good friends, even if you can't be there while that friend enjoys it.

    Potential enjoyment over cost of sticks, anyday.
  • BigT06BigT06 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,899
    I know that with the caliber of BORK I have done trades with here, I will never worry about being taken advantage of or anything like that.

    If I can blow somebody up and make their day, that's awesome. If somebody hits me with sticks I couldn't normally try, that's awesome too.

    it's all about balance.

    You have nothing to worry about, Rick. Your cigar karma is secured for decades.
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    In my opinion the cost of a cigar is not nearly as important as the flavor and enjoyment it brings. That said, the few trades I have done I was upfront with what I had to offer which is always cigars I enjoy smoking regardless of their perceived heirarchy in the cigar world which is terribly skewed at times. An example of this is the lowly GH 2002, LPH series, and many other bargain priced cigars, inexpensive but bring great pleasure to the consumer

    This is where I'm at also Sir. I try them all. I'm humble enough to be happy I can try highend smoke. But in the same, I enjoy my Carlos Torano's and Joya de Nicaragua, La Perla and CCOM Labels also. I'm just trying to make sure there's no quote un qoute forum code about trades. I'm not stuck on costs and in the same if I make the trade. Must mean I'm okay with it, right.

    Edit: You guys are fast....

  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    I don't pay much attention to the price of sticks when trading or sending them out.

    I sound like you, in that there are several low cost sticks that I really like. If I trade for sticks I like, and I can trade some to a BOTL who likes the sticks I send, then cost difference is not important.

    There comes a point where you do have to pay attention to what you are sending compared to what you are receiving but the BOTL around here all seem pretty standup and wouldn't take advantage of say someone who wasn't aware of the differences in the prices of some sticks.

    If I am sending out a bomb, participating in some project like your recent cabinet or just trading... I try to send something from the persons fav's. or at least some sticks that I really love myself. At least that way if the BOTL get's something he has listed in his bio or I send him some of my favorite's then I can feel that I did the best I could to make the transaction enjoyable for both people. That's what this hobby is all about. ENJOYMENT. Enjoyment of a good cigar, shared with good friends, even if you can't be there while that friend enjoys it.

    Potential enjoyment over cost of sticks, anyday.

    RCY Cigars:
    Or do you think you should just try and match the cost of that same stick?
    here is what i do:
    i make the deal how the other person sees fit. this is roughly a cost based trade with some consideration to difficulty of getting the cigar. then i usually send a few extra for good measure.

    Whats a few cigars between friends?

    Yes Sir's, I got it.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Price is taken in consideration however is it the price one paid for it or the price of what it is going for? I run into this a lot when it comes to other hobby's. I've traded a GOF for some sticks that one would say be less than close to the price of the GOF, though I wanted the botl to try the stick. And I got to try some I wanted to try. It's an even trade in my eyes. Whatever the two people involved think is fair is usually how I go about it.
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    I try and look at what the person likes/wants in bio. If I can fill some of those I will.
    For the price of shipping I try and send 7 or more cigars or it doesn't seem worth it to me. Someone asks for 5, unless they say specifically only 5 (jj), I am going to send more.
    Does price matter? It does to a small extent. If you are sending 8 cigars that are all worth $5-$8 a piece the other person asks for. Then receive back all $2-$3 cigars that you don't have in a bio or ask for and really don't enjoy that puts a damper on it.
    Am I still going to treat the other person right as I can? Sure. They are just cigars. Not gold or your firstborn child. It is a variable currency with many factors based on personal value and taste. Subjective for each and every one of us.
    I enjoyed Indian Tabac when I started and still do. Their maduros are good but inconsistent. If someone likes maduros and asks for recommendations I am going to send one. I like sending at least one 'value' cigar that might surprise someone and ultimately save them some money.
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    For me when I send out a trade, drive by and now dog rockets I don't send anything I haven't smoked or currently have in my humidor. When doing a trade I like to make sure the other party knows what I have on hand and they either ask for a specific stick or say "surprise me".

    For any of the other unexpected packages I send out I try to send what is on the recipients fav/wish list and if I don't have it I try to match sticks as best I can to their list. For the most part my budget only allows for sticks up to the $8 range but I usually spend much less. For anything higher then that I gotta stand out on the corner with my sign for a couple extra hours and that just isn't worth a $10 and up stick....what can I say I am lazy.

  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    I weigh it like this. I think about price vs availability vs how many of said cigar I/they have. Basically for me it comes down to the other brother being happy with the deal as well as myself. I throw in a few others if I know they want to try them or if they are a fav but the motivation behind those is a thanks for being a great bork thing
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Cigars cost money?? Once I buy a cigar the cost, IMO, is irrelevant. I probably "give away" as many cigars as I smoke. On "higher end" cigars I will tell the other person what I paid, I'm a cheapa$$, so they can cost basis their end of the trade. Yet to have a problem with any trade I have done.

    Rick, keep doing what you are doing brother.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Rick, keep doing what you are doing brother.
    +1. Ive never heard anything but good things about anything you've been involved with, so you must be doing something right. :-)

    Personally, I talk to the person Im trading with and just work it out, sort of like kuzi said - whatever makes them comfortable. Do you want to trade based on umber of sticks for number of sticks (ie fiver for a fiver)? Cool. Do you want to trade based on price? Cool too, let me know who's prices you're using so we're on the same sheet of music. And then I usually slip an extra or two in, just for grins.

    The LAST thing I want anyone on here to feel when they think about me is that they got taken advantage of. I suppose as long as the communication is there, both sides get what they're after and everyone is happy with the deal when its all said and done, its all good in the hood. :-)

  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    The Sniper:
    The LAST thing I want anyone on here to feel when they think about me is that they got taken advantage of.
    Glen, if that is how you feel you have some explaining to do about the last time we went to band camp together.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    The Sniper:
    The LAST thing I want anyone on here to feel when they think about me is that they got taken advantage of.
    Glen, if that is how you feel you have some explaining to do about the last time we went to band camp together.
    Why was I not invited? If Leonard was there in his speedo I'm gonna lose it!
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 979
    I try to be upfront with trades. PM the person and work out the deal before we send them out. Then throw in a few extra. If its a blind trade I send what I like. If someone came back to me saying they where unhappy I would then make it right. I do have some sticks that I don't like and have gotten in trades or bombs. I will throw a few of these in with a trade or bomb above what I would normaly send.
  • gaberoxgaberox Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 824
    I try to be upfront with trades. PM the person and work out the deal before we send them out. Then throw in a few extra. If its a blind trade I send what I like. If someone came back to me saying they where unhappy I would then make it right. I do have some sticks that I don't like and have gotten in trades or bombs. I will throw a few of these in with a trade or bomb above what I would normaly send.

    Thats about my same plan. in the few trades/bombs and PIFs ive done I mostly sent my presonal favs and other generally well liked cigars. Its worked great so far. Ive also been treated oh so well on the recieving end. A little too well at times.
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 775
    I try to be upfront with trades. PM the person and work out the deal before we send them out. Then throw in a few extra. If its a blind trade I send what I like. If someone came back to me saying they where unhappy I would then make it right. I do have some sticks that I don't like and have gotten in trades or bombs. I will throw a few of these in with a trade or bomb above what I would normaly send.
    Thats about my same plan. in the few trades/bombs and PIFs ive done I mostly sent my presonal favs and other generally well liked cigars. Its worked great so far. Ive also been treated oh so well on the recieving end. A little too well at times.
    I can vouch. It definitely worked out great sir! BigT06 too; super generous. I totally feel spoiled from our trades together.
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    Thanks guys for the feed back. All point's are taken in.

    Guess I'll keep this going then. My local B&M has a nice selection of cigars. Even after d a m n near burning down. They re-up on their stock real quick. I get stuff out of there that I can't find here on CCOM. Sometimes when I go there, I will pick something out and smoke it there. They have a lounge and it's set up nicely. The atmosphere is laid back and relaxing. Sometimes it gets a little noisey but, that to be expected with alcohol and good fellowship.

    With all that said, I find that I don't get much out of my cigar when I'm there. With all the conversations going and the different aroma in the air. My senses are not totally on my cigar. Question, I'm not the only one who has this problem? Meaning, is it best to just have a cigar by yourself? Where you can concentrate on the flavor and strength of the cigar.
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    My favorite cigars are when I am on the back porch at 10-11pm. It is dark out. The town is pretty quiet by then. I can just look up at the sky and smoke a cigar for 1.5 hours. It is probably a function of atmosphere and concentration. At the B&M I enjoy the experience of friends but the cigars I don't focus on as much.
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Some of the best cigars I have had have been with the guys here during our SoCal herf, which is the longest continuous monthly herf here on Cigar.com. It is the company and the camaraderie that makes the cigar better. I find myself rushing when I'm smoking alone if I don't have something else to focus on also. Probably doesn't make much sense but it works for me.
  • greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
    On the "trade" subject. I have tried to consider the Bio of the other person. I have even ask if there was anything that they didn't want. I have tried to use their wish list as a reference. I try to send cigars that the person would like to try, but typically wouldn't buy for themselves. I also try to include something special like GOF, Opus, ISOM. For me its the fun of giving.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    My concentration is not what it would on the cigar when I'm herf'in it up compared to when I'm alone but I find that I enjoy the whole experience more. Will I get as many flavors, aroma, etc usually no. The time spent with fellow bork's more than makes up the difference imo.
  • boydmcgowanboydmcgowan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,101
    RCY Cigars:
    Thanks guys for the feed back. All point's are taken in.

    Guess I'll keep this going then. My local B&M has a nice selection of cigars. Even after d a m n near burning down. They re-up on their stock real quick. I get stuff out of there that I can't find here on CCOM. Sometimes when I go there, I will pick something out and smoke it there. They have a lounge and it's set up nicely. The atmosphere is laid back and relaxing. Sometimes it gets a little noisey but, that to be expected with alcohol and good fellowship.

    With all that said, I find that I don't get much out of my cigar when I'm there. With all the conversations going and the different aroma in the air. My senses are not totally on my cigar. Question, I'm not the only one who has this problem? Meaning, is it best to just have a cigar by yourself? Where you can concentrate on the flavor and strength of the cigar.
    Not a big trader, Rick, so I didn't want to chime in earlier. I'm more into the random one off bombings to BOTLS who I respect on here. So I didn't have too much input on the trading front, becuase trades kind of stress me out. I don't care what I get back, but I'm constantly worried that my end isn't "as good" as the cigars I'm receiving. So I tend to just go back the random hits when I feel like it.

    But I did want to mention, that you sir, are an awesome BOTL, and the forums are better for having you on here, trades or no trades, bombings or no bombings. You contribute in so many ways here, and its appreciated by all. So keep on doing your thing no matter what that thing is, and don't worry about the rest.

    On to the B&M discussion . . . . I'm with you man. Everyone is different, but I Totally agree with you about how I enjoy the social aspect of the hobby, but it is hard to truly appreciate a cigar with a lot of commotion going on. I get bored smoking alone too often, but at the sime time I really prefer it about 2/3s of the time. And for me its not that I'm analyzing the flavors too much, for me its about truly unplugging and getting lost in the moment, and just thinking about all the past, present, and future and everything I'm thankful for.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Being a Canadian living on an island I don't have the luxury of a B&M anywhere close by.
    I usually smoke my sticks outside and most of the time alone. My son will join me for one when our schedules line up and the wife will sit and watch the stars with me but I usually smoke alone.
    I do think that other smoke from different cigars would influence the cigar I was smoking, and being as I don't like rooms full of strong various aromas and loud noises for me outside is the only way to go.
    The companionship of others while smoking is always nice too though, having someone else to talk to while smoking seems to make the neighbours more comfortable then just me out there talking to myself :)
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Now I'm starting to get this trading thing. Maybe that's why Doc didn't go for my Blue label/aged Opus trade I proposed.
  • BigT06BigT06 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,899
    I usually smoke on the back porch or in my office when I want to really enjoy a cigar. Good (not phenomenal) smoke are what I will typically smoke at herfs. I want something good enough to truly enjoy, and have good conversation about, but I don't want to smoke something that will draw my attention away from the BOTL I am interacting with.

    this may sound kinda funny... but when I really want to enjoy a cigar and give it my undidvided attention, I go sit on my John Deere in my garage... seriously. It's like a zen place for me.
  • JonathanEJonathanE Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 401
    I pick the cigar I'm going to smoke based on the company. I usually smoke the super premiums that I want to give undivided attention to on my own and there's nothing like a good conversation to make a mediocre cigar taste better than it is! It just depends on the occasion...


  • dbeckomdbeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,807
    I usually smoke on the back porch or in my office when I want to really enjoy a cigar. Good (not phenomenal) smoke are what I will typically smoke at herfs. I want something good enough to truly enjoy, and have good conversation about, but I don't want to smoke something that will draw my attention away from the BOTL I am interacting with.

    this may sound kinda funny... but when I really want to enjoy a cigar and give it my undidvided attention, I go sit on my John Deere in my garage... seriously. It's like a zen place for me.
    I pick the cigar I'm going to smoke based on the company. I usually smoke the super premiums that I want to give undivided attention to on my own and there's nothing like a good conversation to make a mediocre cigar taste better than it is! It just depends on the occasion...


    My thoughts exactly! I save my best cigars until I'm alone and I feel my best so I can give all my attention to the cigar. When smoking with the guys, an average to very good stick will provide plenty of smoking pleasure while not drawing my attention away from our conversation.
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Since no one else wants to say it and we all know it's true. When I am smoking with friends I smoke my MOST EXPENSIVE cigars, in particualr ISOM's, and yes, i DO leave the band on, just to show I am a TRUE AFICIONADO and am so much better than they are...............
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Since no one else wants to say it and we all know it's true. When I am smoking with friends I smoke my MOST EXPENSIVE cigars, in particualr ISOM's, and yes, i DO leave the band on, just to show I am a TRUE AFICIONADO and am so much better than they are...............
    LMAO...I know that for sure I smoke WAY LESS Cubans then most of you American BOTL here do! While the opportunity to smoke them everyday is there, the prices of these things just makes me shake my head.
    There are a truckload of Nicaraguan sticks that I enjoy as much as Cubans and they come in at around a third of the price at least.
    When I want to show off I open a copy of Cigar Afficionado to a page where they are advertizing the stick I am smoking. Must be a cigar smokers cigar if it appears in CA magazine, LMAO.
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