Cu avana intenso with yellow cello to ease the pain of a tough Bronco loss. with so many injuries to our best guys Im very proud of us today. Close game.. Drank Stone 2011 RIS and now Odells Myrcenary X2 IPA. Amazing beers.
Cu avana intenso with yellow cello to ease the pain of a tough Bronco loss. with so many injuries to our best guys Im very proud of us today. Close game.. Drank Stone 2011 RIS and now Odells Myrcenary X2 IPA. Amazing beers.
mmm Stone RIS thats good stuff. The Belgo- Anise this year from them was amazing as well.
Cu avana intenso with yellow cello to ease the pain of a tough Bronco loss. with so many injuries to our best guys Im very proud of us today. Close game.. Drank Stone 2011 RIS and now Odells Myrcenary X2 IPA. Amazing beers.
mmm Stone RIS thats good stuff. The Belgo- Anise this year from them was amazing as well.
The Anise was good for sure. I actually mixed a little of the RIS with the Odelss X2 IPA. It was better than the Stone 15th Annny black IPA no doubt. Have you had the 15th anny? Its good but too astringent IMO.
Started the morning with a LHC Core. After lunch fired up a Diesel Shorty as it was 95 degrees outside. This evening watching the game had a Diesel Unlimited Toro.