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Breakfast Thread....... Food,Cigars,Coffee,Tea, Cereal WHATEVER

RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
Good Morning Guys...... I have been feeling very Blessed these days, In alot of ways..... I have a Job today that Doesnt pay Tons of Money but it is something I love....Ive been training to become a professional Barista, although Coffee has always been a Passion of mine and someday hope to open my own coffee Shop or stand , there is much more to Making a Good cup of coffee or tea or Lattes, etc than just heating some water LOL Coffee is not much Unlike Cigars, The growing enviroment is much the same, the ecology around it is much the same, and the Flavor profiles etc are very much a comparable deal, with all sorts of notes and hidden tastes...... at any rate, this is why I have been absent from the Forums for a while, not much time. I really appreciated the Blind Bomb I got from Rolyn the other day , It was unexpected and quite a treat and it made me feel unforgotten and loved ! LOL Thats the way i remeber the older forum traffic being , Random Bombs to unsuspecting recipents. I have also been dealing with a really bad injury to my foot and SIatica... Thats sucked.
So I thought I would try and start a New thread...... Breakfast ( my favorite meal )
Today I brewed up a nice Peets Garuda Blend Espresso..to go along with my Panama Don Bosco blend Coffee..... I paired it with this Monti Cristo Habano Cuban Cigar..... Killer Breakfast!
Check out Peets Coffee and Tea
Have a Great Day Guys!



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