checking in
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2
Hey Gents & Ladies,
Its been a while since I've posted on this board. For some reason I got the itch to visit the board today and decided to dust off the old username. Are any of the veterans from that time still hanging around?
I was active back when this board was part of the Amback forum. I never unregistered, but looks like my pot count and post history did not transfer over...
I see that Kuzi is still here, thats a familiar "face"...
Anyway...thanks for the warm welcome backs!
But, Anyhoo... WELCOME back!
Was he that "chatty" back then too ? I only joke. As you know there are few people who share his passion and knowledge regarding cigars. says that in your heading! Also, Lassie lied.
Oh, and welcome back!!!