Colibri closing
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
Not sure if this was already posted but it seems Colibri Group ,citing declining sales, has closed its doors and filed for bankruptcy. Seems there was some discussion on here about the quality , or lack thereof about their lighters.
Anyones guess now. The company press release stated " economic conditions and credit market turmoil" as the reason. BUT , their major shareholder was Founders Equity SBIC , a private equity firm , they petitioned a Providence RI court to force The Colibri Group into receivership ( a form of bankruptcy -a receiver is appointed to recoup as much of the companys debt as possible).
There has been some talk of the family that used to own Colibri buying the rights to the name back. We'll see what happens I guess.
Still contact them. Business's have obligations to warranty's and they should account for warranty support. It may not be quick, or good, but it is what it is.