Home Trades, Passes and Bombs


greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
I received my end of a trade with Isaac today. Most of you guys are more familiar with this crazy BOTL than I am. Being that is the case, many of you knew what to expect. Myself, being somewhat new to this community, I had heard the rumors, but I had to see this for myself. I sent him a package that I considered to be my best shot. It appears to me that it was little more than a bee sting. He returned fire with massive fire power. I haven't seen destruction like this since "The RobbyRas Pass." He taunted me all week and up until today I felt I was bullet proof. I have posted the carnage in the order that it was received. I must admit that I was unprepared for what I would find in this package, and this turned out to be a lesson in humility. Isaac - I don't know what to say, but what I do know is that I appreciate your thoughtfulness in putting this package together. Thank you for the cigars. imageimageimage And by the way, in the bottom of the box was an extra surprise that I cannot believe that he sent. Because of this, it will take trades and bombs to a new level. My brother, thank you for the hat. imageimage Now that I have posted the pictures and the carnage I am off to eat a piece of humble pie.


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