completely surprised

I recently joined the forum and wanted to take the time to introduce myself and formally say "hi" to everyone. I got into cigars while playing in a golf tournament in may and have been hooked ever since. I stumbled on this forum and found a ton of information and lurked for a while, learning as much as i could about my new hobby. Several emails and orders placed with tim, I finally opened up the trade forum got involved in my first trade as well even with a lack of posts or participation (thanks Isaac). What I really wanted to say though in reading through all these threads for information is that I am completely blown away and surprised by this community and how tight knit and supportive everyone is of each other. I teach in an inner city school district and the idea of looking out for one another and a general caring about individuals is often overlooked in that environment so it is extremely refreshing to see the good nature in people sometimes. I am excited to become a part of this place and learn more about everyone and have a good time!
And we are always happy to add more. Welcome sir, welcome. And thanks for teaching, its a trule noble profession.