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Holidays for the Troops

jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037

Here come the holidays and once again I really want to throw together a couple of nice packages to send to our soldiers overseas. The last time I did this it was a huge success and we got a few great pictures back. I realize that some of you recently got involved in one of these so if you can donate again great. If not no problem. You guys who missed the last one here is your chance

I am asking for donations of cigars, cutters, lighters, magazines, and anything cigar related for our soldiers. I want to get this mailed out by the end of November so I am starting the collection now. I am donating 30 cigars, a lighter, and 5 cutters, with some magazines myself. The goal of this is to hit around the holidays between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Your donation can be as big or small as you want. Anything you donate will be appreciated. I will once again ask that they send us some pictures so I can post the results. Depending on what is collected I plan on hitting 2 to 3 military units at least.

PM me for my address if you need it. A personal note or anything holiday related might be appreciated as well. I will be posting this on another forum to help out. Be sure to include your screen name with your donation so I can be sure everyone gets credit.

Questions, suggestions, input, just ask. Also, if you have any info on a military unit you think I should add to the list please let me know. I want to put together as many packages as I can and if I run short I have another BOTL that does huge military donations who would take the unit info.

Thank you!

Rhamlin - Cigar.com
pbchevo - Cigar.com
jj20030 - Cigar.com
kaspera79 - Cigar.com
PsychoSJG Cigar.com
Jimmie the Mum - StogieChat.com
Teck1337 - StogieChat.com
allsmokedup - Cigar.com
@dmjones1009 - Twitter
Keith1911 - Twitter
JHewey - Cigar.com
RCY Cigars - Cigar.com
amz1301 - Cigar.com
firetruckguy - Cigar.com
kingjk729 - Cigar.com
Mephisto - Cigar.com
MTuccelli - Cigar.com
John Hays Cigar Co
JudoChinX - Cigar.com
Eddie Ortega - EO Brands
Marker - Cigar.com
Shaun.Harrison87 - Cigar.com
90+ Irishman - Cigar.com
james40 - Cigar.com
dowjr1 - Cigar.com
kevin1323 - Cigar.com


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