I had a Cohiba "Cuban" that got on my honeymoon in Jamaica. They were my first cigar purchase and what got me into cigars. I didn't know at the time the problems with fakes and didn't know the difference. But even if it was fake it was still really nice and smooth.
I had a Cohiba "Cuban" that got on my honeymoon in Jamaica. They were my first cigar purchase and what got me into cigars. I didn't know at the time the problems with fakes and didn't know the difference. But even if it was fake it was still really nice and smooth.
Bert and Ernie were my dudes back in the day! Thought I would share that
I had a Cohiba "Cuban" that got on my honeymoon in Jamaica. They were my first cigar purchase and what got me into cigars. I didn't know at the time the problems with fakes and didn't know the difference. But even if it was fake it was still really nice and smooth.
Bert and Ernie were my dudes back in the day! Thought I would share that