Aging Cigars

I have found a great way to age cigars. I went to the dentist the other day and beginning December 15th I am going to have a couple of oral surgeries. One to do a bone graph, another to set an implant and then the final stage in putting in an implant. During the healing time I am not allowed to smoke as it can cause complications and delays in the healing process as this is for a front tooth.
So, how does this help with the cigar aging process?
As everyone knows, I have more of a buying "problem" rather than a smoking "problem"; the process I spoke of above is approximately a 1 year process. That's right I have to be smoke free ( for the most part ) for a year.
Until then, I will be a friggin' chimney........................
So, how does this help with the cigar aging process?
As everyone knows, I have more of a buying "problem" rather than a smoking "problem"; the process I spoke of above is approximately a 1 year process. That's right I have to be smoke free ( for the most part ) for a year.
Until then, I will be a friggin' chimney........................
I hope everything goes well and you heal up properly. Take care Todd.
What you are going in for is not insignificant, and a smoke free month will make you orally that much healthier, and the likelihood of good results increases exponentially when compared to smoking heavily up until the day you go under the knife.....
(just my 2 cents of unsolicited advice)
Thats like saying a married chick can get fat...hell no! She better take her ass to the gym!! Hope the surgies go well!
Wow, first things first. Take care of yourself. Secondly, I don't know how in the heck your going to do that. But we are here to help support you. I don't know how, but we are BOTL's. We will figure it out. Thirdly I don't know, I'm still shocked from the subject. Can you have a drink at least?????
I'm in whenever it starts for sure.
Dang brother, now I see. Well lcpleel came up with a good idea and I'm rolling with that. Also, Goldy had a heck of a question. Waiting to hear the feed back from that.....
Ahhhh, to get my hands on a few more of those. Nice, enjoy brother. I think I will light one of the few I have.
He's going in to get his jaw "Unhinged" and it is covered under his medical plan as "Work Related"......
Play on Playa!
good luck with this. i remember when i had to quit for a month for health reasosn. durring the first two weeks, if i hadent been so sick i probably would have hurt sombody