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Smoking in a B&M

dowjr1dowjr1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
Okay so I have noticed I just don't dig smoking in too many B&Ms of late. For me, I like to contrast the taste of my stogie with normal fresh air. It helps me to enjoy the flavor. Lately the B&Ms I've been to have relatively poor ventilation and I feel like I am sitting in and breathing in smoke...and lots of it. That takes away from the experience. Sounds a bit odd I know but just saying my two bits.


  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Our B&M is fantastic. Hardly ever crowded. Great ventilation. Makes it much easier to smoke in the winter. Sorry about your B&M. Maybe you can talk to them about getting better ventilation. One hint is they need to clean their filters on the vent system often, if they don't already.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    I know what you mean.. If there is too much smoke in the air, I can't enjoy my own cigar. In general, I don't like to smoke indoors.
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,725
    I like smoking in a b&m IF it has good ventalation. I'm not a fan of sitting in a cloud while trying to enjoy myself, but I love sitting with fellow cigar lovers and having some good conversation......and beer.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    I like smoking in a b&m IF it has good ventalation. I'm not a fan of sitting in a cloud while trying to enjoy myself, but I love sitting with fellow cigar lovers and having some good conversation......and beer.
  • jr_p951jr_p951 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,121
    Also...I don't mind smelling like a cigar, infact...thats the only cologne any man should wear. BUT...I've came home after sitting in a B&M and almost stained with the smell of cigar! I took the family out to dinner and decided to change clothes before I left. That didn't help a bit! I could smell my hair or skin or something! I'm sure the next table had no doubt that I was a cigar smoker!
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
    I have a hard time with this, too. My B&M has NO ventilation and smoking a cigar in there is like clam-baking. I come out of there stinking to high heaven.
  • 415415 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 951
    maybe its just me, but i like to smoke a nice cigar in a place with minimal ventilation. (like the b&m when there arnt too many people there, or my car)

    what i dont like is being in a small room with too many people all smoking. in situations like this i cant pick out any of the flavors in my cigar
  • dopeyferreedopeyferree Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 274
    Because of the lack of ventilation my b&m it seems like I spent an hour in there every time I just stop in to grab some sticks
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    I love smoking in a B&M with a good lounge, friendly (and preferably laid back) staff, and not too much of a crowd. I love smoking with other cigar enthusiasts, but I don't like hanging out in a crowded lounge. I prefer a few friends chilling to a big loud party (and depending on the shop, it can go either way).

    That said, I do 75%+ of my smoking by myself on my balcony with a good book, a good drink, a movie, or just my thoughts. Smoking is a great way to decompress after a long day in the lab.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    I used to be a part of what we would call shop nights, all of us would get together and go to each others houses (garages/shops) drink, converse, and smoke up a storm.. Sometimes ventilation was ok and other times not good at all,, It was hardly ever good.. Long story short My lungs took a beating.. Now a days will only smoke cigars in a well ventilated area,, For me, not only is it more enjoyable but its healthier too
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