I was The Joker's last victim!!

Well guys, it's been a fun ride. Seems that I didn't come out unscathed after all... in fact I may get it worse than anybody.
The Joker apparently chose me as his last victim... and chose an indirect route to my punishment... The Joker (or better known as Wwestern!!) decided to "out himself" by claiming he was me... the result of which is undoubtedly going to be a series of battery from his former victims, started by the Joker himself... and to those of you who've already sent packages to me thinking I was the Joker... sorry, boys, you got played like a fool.
There have been many suspecting it was Wes all along... and there's even been a few that have claimed to "know" it was him, lately. But let's be honest guys, he got us. ALL OF US! The Joker campaign was marvelous, and I doubt it will be duplicated any time soon. It takes a hell of a BOTL to show as much generousity as Wes has done through this bombing campaign.
I have to say that I'm both honored and terrified that he decided to bring down the wrath of the forum on my head. When I asked why, he just said I was a great BOTL and to enjoy the bombs. If you haven't already sent your retaliation packages to me, I beg you to please redirect them. Wes deserves whatever you can throw at him!
Ok guys, here's the proof you're no doubt waiting on:
Here is what he decided to send me directly, as if the wrath of you guys wasn't enough... SHEESH!! THIS GUY PLAYS ROUGH!!!
I cover his addy in the pics, so that it wouldn't just be plastered all over the interweb... but if you need it, PM ME!!!
You had a hell of a run, Wes... maybe the best to date. But it has come to an end. We had fun watching! But now, you're totally phucked. LMAO!!!!!
The Joker apparently chose me as his last victim... and chose an indirect route to my punishment... The Joker (or better known as Wwestern!!) decided to "out himself" by claiming he was me... the result of which is undoubtedly going to be a series of battery from his former victims, started by the Joker himself... and to those of you who've already sent packages to me thinking I was the Joker... sorry, boys, you got played like a fool.
There have been many suspecting it was Wes all along... and there's even been a few that have claimed to "know" it was him, lately. But let's be honest guys, he got us. ALL OF US! The Joker campaign was marvelous, and I doubt it will be duplicated any time soon. It takes a hell of a BOTL to show as much generousity as Wes has done through this bombing campaign.
I have to say that I'm both honored and terrified that he decided to bring down the wrath of the forum on my head. When I asked why, he just said I was a great BOTL and to enjoy the bombs. If you haven't already sent your retaliation packages to me, I beg you to please redirect them. Wes deserves whatever you can throw at him!
Ok guys, here's the proof you're no doubt waiting on:

Here is what he decided to send me directly, as if the wrath of you guys wasn't enough... SHEESH!! THIS GUY PLAYS ROUGH!!!

I cover his addy in the pics, so that it wouldn't just be plastered all over the interweb... but if you need it, PM ME!!!
You had a hell of a run, Wes... maybe the best to date. But it has come to an end. We had fun watching! But now, you're totally phucked. LMAO!!!!!
he gave me this link: