Which one should I smoke?

So tomorrow i have 4 hours between when i get off work and have to go back. So i need something to occupy my time otherwise i may fall asleep.
So which cigar should i smoke first? They all will be smoked but i want to see what one you guys recommend i should smoke first, remember i havent tried any of these. I might get to smoke 2 of these.. so what order would you recommend me to smoke them.
My Father, Liga Undercrown, San Lotano Maduro, San Lotano habano, Man O War (Original blend i think)
So which cigar should i smoke first? They all will be smoked but i want to see what one you guys recommend i should smoke first, remember i havent tried any of these. I might get to smoke 2 of these.. so what order would you recommend me to smoke them.
My Father, Liga Undercrown, San Lotano Maduro, San Lotano habano, Man O War (Original blend i think)

Save the MF for a better occasion for sure, and the MoW for a night when you have off - those take time and attention.
The SL Maduro??........you'll have to find a time for that on your own!