A little help, please?

Recently there was a post or three regarding what looked like vacuum packed sticks. I think this post(s) was probably in the 'trades & passes' section but I've searched and can't find it. Anyway, they weren't vacuum packed, they were in bags with individual pockets for each cigar. Does anyone remember this? There was a link to a site called the 'BOTL store' or 'BOTL supply' or some such thing. I failed to bookmark it at the time but wish I had. Googling didn't seem to help either. If anyone remembers it, I'd appreciate having the link or a website name. Thanks muchly, guys.
Cool!! Thanks a million, Jason. I had tried that name when googling it but for some reason it didn't work. I've now bookmarked it so I won't lose it again. Again, thanks my friend.