Lost cell phone? -Update
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
So check this out. I am meeting a friend for lunch and put my phone in my front sweatshirt pocket as I go out the door. The Asian rest. is 1 mile from home. We meet, eat, I walk 50 feet down the sidewalk to ship a box of stogies for a trade at UPS a few doors down, get back in the car and come home. After I am home for about an hour I realize I can't find my phone. I call it...not in the yard, house, or car. Go back to lunch place and its not there. Call Sprint and set up location service. Several times it pings the location as being within 100 feet of the Asian lunch place. The service also says phone is on and getting service so it has not been turned off (which you assume someone would do if they were stealing it). While in the rest for the 3rd time I have them call the phone, can't hear it ring. I pull out the seating all around where I ate and nothing. I go and check all the businesses along the sidewalk for lost phone, nothing. Parking lot, trash cans, call it and nothing. I go back home and recheck the locator...same thing phone has not moved...says it is still within 100 feet of the Asian place. Got dark and cold so I had to pack it in. I will go back tomorrow early before all the cars come back. So does anyone have any ideas what in the world in going on with this?
Seriously that sucks! What about the restroom?