Happy Birthday To Me

Well, today is my B-Day. Thank God for another year and another morning for waking up. That's just my personal note to self. Decided to smoke some cigars that's been in my humi for a while. They were all gifted to me by some of you guys. One of the cigars that was gifted to me hasn't been in the humi long. But, I happen to like that cigar alot and it's getting lit today. Anyway, thanks MTuccelli, 415, Greg and Marker for providing the hat. Will take a picture later.
Edit: If my palate doesn't get whipped, I may smoke another that was gifted to me by Diamondog. Thanks in advance.
Edit: If my palate doesn't get whipped, I may smoke another that was gifted to me by Diamondog. Thanks in advance.
Thanks, I'm off from work today and tomorrow. I have a line up that's suitable for a birthday smoke. Can't complain, plus I have a heck evening planned out with the misses.
Enjoying the Happy BDay wishes guys, thanks. Gaberox, the Bloody Mary was on the house specifically made for me by the owners son. He had a VSG. Never thought I'd have one, but its good. Nub it 415, thanks for the cigar. Taking a thirty minute break. Going to fire up my third one. Gregs Liga # 9 that he bombed me with. I love these, that's why its in the rotation. Might wait a hour.
Ferree, thanks. IcedGuardian, its a heck of time. Everyone is hooking me up too. Decided to smoke cigars I know I like. About to fire up this Liga #9. Going to pair it with a Red Stripe. I know everyone is saying what in the world. Got this idea from a friend of mines. It's very light, won't interfere with cigar flavors.