Herman 'Raising' Cain

So, Im left to wonder.....is the only women he closely associates himself with----and not screw-----his wife?
As a side note, I cannot remember a day with so much news about black America. Granted, its not a great day for the people in the stories....but how far we (at least seem) to have come in this county. Herman Cain, Barack Obama, Patrice ONeal, Conrad Murray-----it seems that we are becoming a little more conscious nation to news other than just about middle aged white men.
As a side note, I cannot remember a day with so much news about black America. Granted, its not a great day for the people in the stories....but how far we (at least seem) to have come in this county. Herman Cain, Barack Obama, Patrice ONeal, Conrad Murray-----it seems that we are becoming a little more conscious nation to news other than just about middle aged white men.
And Clinton just chuckles his way along. LOL
But these accusations, by all these unrelated women has sunk it. I'd like to say it's the reverse race card - liberals bringing up black stereotypes of being uncontrollable sex freaks who go wild for white women, and I think media bias played a part in how quickly this story got steam vs Clinton's affairs, but still - an affair by a Repub is the same as an affair by a Dem, and a man with no morals has no business leading this nation. The fact that he STILL can't articulate his position on foreign affairs (eg - that 10 sec pause when asked about Libya), lack of knowledge about it, and actual PRIDE that he doesn't know, was the straw that broke the camels back for me
EDIT - I still don't like Newt, and I'm not real fond of Romney; still rather disappointed in this field
I actually like a flat/fair tax plan but right now im for any plan that really gets us out of the over spending, mountain of debt mess we are in.
Its a sad day when we have an agreement with Taiwan that says we will go to war with them if china ever attacked them yet we would have to borrow money from china to do it LOL
So, whatever happens to unspent campaign funds? Doesn't the unsuccessful candidate usually end up keeping them? Seems like that, in itself, is enough motivation for some folks to run - knowing they stand a snowball's chance of winning.
Gypsy....Youre also exactly right.....and dont tell my wife.
Has anyone ever listened to his show? He has some great ideas.
That being said, the ability to remain faithful to a spouse has no bearing on wether one can be a good president (or almost any other job). I mean come on, people, we're not electing a pope here! His personal life isn't my concern, nor should it be anyone else's. His ideas, political stance, and economic stance matter. Wether or not he can stay zipped up isn't.