Where, how often, when, and what do you drink?

I'vee searched this forum up one side and down the other and I've found some of these answers, but would love to get something concise here. This is my second topic started here since joining today and before I go on, I'd like to say you are all a fine group of people.
I've not had my first cigar yet, but anticipate smoking one very soon. I have a pretty stressful job at times and really need some relaxing time and the smoking of a cigar really seems to be like something I would enjoy. I envision myself maybe once every other day or so, after work, going outside and sitting on my swing with my Labrador and enjoying a nice cigar. I've not had a drink of alcohol for years, but taking a nip of some type of whiskey with it sounds appealing. Or, if I do smoke earlier in the day, a nice coffee would be great.
So where do you smoke, how often, when, and do you drink anything with yours, if so, what?
I'm just curious.
how often: whenever i can. usually about 2-3 a week if im not too busy
when: afternoons and evening usually.
what i drink: one of three things: coke (not pepsi), Dr Pepper, water. more times than not i drink nothing.
I guess a couple of times a month I go to my B&M for a smoke.
I actually either drink black coffee or water when smoking. I always read a book while smoking, I find it relaxing.
When I am at the B&M I usually just talk with the guys and drink scotch.
This time of year, though, I usually end up in the garage to stay out of the wind - it does hinky things to my stogie. And I usually do the garage bit around 10 or 11 am so I've still got some daytime left for chores and such.
My favorite drink is water. I put a little Bourbon in it when I want to relax with my favorite cigar. Woodford Reserve, Four Roses, Elija Craig 18 year, Eagle Rare are my favorite Bourbons, and I will often have one in the evening. If I'm in the mod for Scotch whiskey, I usually choose Highland Park 18 year. If I want something a little lighter, I'll choose an Oregon Pino Noir.
The Irishman is right on the money about maduros and coffee, they really compliment each other well.
When: Mostly in the morning and sometimes at night
How often: 3-4 times a week
My Drink: Usually a cup of joe. Contains normally Jamican Bean and enjoyed black. Every once in a while I will visit Starbucks and get a ice coffee. In the evening, if I'm really wanting to pay attention to the cigar. I'll have a Red Stripe, if not. I'll have a scotch or Remy XO.
i always make sure to leave enough time to smoke that cigar. if i have a carona, i make sure to leave about an hour and a half to enjoy it.
if i am smoking a toro at least two hours.
if a churchill, i make sure for 3 hours.
if it is stronger, then longer.
there are few things in life that irk me more than having to end a cigar prematurely.