Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

It was a GREAT day today...

greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
I received three packages today. The first package of cigars is what I received from joining the CRA. I know many of you are already members but seeing to how I am a rookie, this is my first time. Obviously, there has never been a better time to join to protect our rights as BOTLs. As a bonus to joining I received these ten great cigars. It is probably the best $99 that I have spent so far. If you are not already a member I would encourage you to look into this option.


The second package I received floored me. Over the last couple of days I have seen some of you guys receive a cigar band collage from MTuccelli. It is one of the coolest ideas that I have ever seen. I recently mentioned this to my wife on how I should start collecting bands and making my own. Because of Mike's generosity I now have one. This thing is cool, I mean really cool. I have had many dealings with Mike and he is one of those guys that gets more enjoyment from giving than receiving. I am lucky to be able to call him my friend. Ohhh, I almost forgot, he also sent me five great cigars lol.




The last package is crazy, crazy. I enlisted help from "415." I put Kevin on an undercover top secret mission, and this is where the craziness started. Not only did this brother complete the mission, he went as far as sending me a Christmas bomb after the job was completed. Remember, as you look at this picture, I requested his help. This was not a trade. This was just one example of one brother helping another brother out. I am completely indebted to Kevin, and his generosity will not be forgotten. I tip my hat to both Kevin and Mike for your unbelievable thoughtfulness in sending me these packages.



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