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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was bullied.....wait, what?

y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707

I'm so sick of hearing about the "bullying" argument. Now some hippie d-bag is calling out "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" as promoting bullying??? He's a special ed teacher and I think HE needs to be institutionalized for spewing this garbage. I feel bad for our kids because when they're adults they're going to be so pussified from growing up listening to this nonsense the only way their going to know how to deal with their problems is through litigation and prescription medication.

When I was a little boy, I cried to my grandfather (who recently passed, bless his soul) about a boy who was picking on me. He told me to march back over to that playground and punch the little s.o.b. in the nose! And you know what? The advice worked. And THAT is why his generation was called the greatest generation. They worked hard and didn't take any sh!t from people!


  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    bullies have an important place. and both sides learn from that situation. a bully will pester his victim until they can no longer take it. then they fight back.
    the bullied learns to stand up for themselves and the bully learns that he cannot treat others that poorly without consequences.

    every time i hear someone talking about bullying i always think about this:
    you think that bully fucked with him again? i dont.

    im also not sure why there is a government initiative about bullying. A war on Bullying, much like the war on poverty, the war on drugs, and the war on crime, will never be able to stamp those things out. they will always exist. government programs dont solve those things. individuals pull them out of those situations. those things need to be constantly solved by individuals on an individual case by every generation. thats how the world works.

    and for anything, Rudolph isnt promoting bullying, it is showing how perseverance and inner qualities can overcome a bully's actions. who wins in the end? the *** reindeer or the one that is friendly and has something to offer and help the other reindeer?
  • Bucking WBucking W Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 206

    I'm so sick of hearing about the "bullying" argument. Now some hippie d-bag is calling out "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" as promoting bullying??? He's a special ed teacher and I think HE needs to be institutionalized for spewing this garbage. I feel bad for our kids because when they're adults they're going to be so pussified from growing up listening to this nonsense the only way their going to know how to deal with their problems is through litigation and prescription medication.

    When I was a little boy, I cried to my grandfather (who recently passed, bless his soul) about a boy who was picking on me. He told me to march back over to that playground and punch the little s.o.b. in the nose! And you know what? The advice worked. And THAT is why his generation was called the greatest generation. They worked hard and didn't take any sh!t from people!
    God bless your grandfather, Ole timers knew how to handle things. That's what I have taught my two boys, someone messes with you hit em square in the nose. I've been a LEO for over 15 years and to many people call the Cops or want to press charges. BS, you punch the bully square in his nose land him on his ass, tomorrow you'll both be good friends. Problem solved.
  • asianbiker8asianbiker8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 551
    As someone who growing up was always small, I was constantly bullied. Mom and dad always told me to walk away and most of the time the bully would quit, which worked most of the time. But dad, being the smart guy that he is, also told me if the bully just wouldn't shut up and go away, give him a good punch right in the throat. Bully stopped talking, fell down to my level because he couldn't breathe, and was told that I could have given him a serious knee to the face. Bully left me alone and no one ever bullied me again since. Haha.
  • IrishAJIrishAJ Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 135
    Not to be the the wet blanket on this conversation but I think we're all forgeting one major differnce between the current and past generations is that most parents aren't involved in their childrens lives any more and expect all of this new technology and government to raise their children. They don't have their parents telling them the things you all have heard. Thankfully I was reaised by my grandpa and he told me whenever I didn't like something to say it and if they didn't go away introduce their face to the pavement.
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