Cigar Journal's top 25.

Was reading it this Am and see that I have had 5 so far of their top 25. I have had the San Lotano Oval (#2) , Man O War Torpedo (#11) , LFD La Flor Dominica ( #12) , COA OSA SOL (#13) , Rocky Patel The Edge Toro Corojo (#22) , and Ashton VSG Robusto ( #23) . For being so new at this I'm glad I have picked those. Most on suggestions by you folks here.
There were some curiosities in there, to me, mostly the order. Honestly, I wasn't sure if it was random order or truly in order of quality. Also, MOW torpedo best of 2011? Hasn't that been around a couple years? Did it just hit B&M's or something?
This list just gets cigar journal some advertising points with the brands it mentions. You see it all the time. This is not a best of list. This is a how can I sell my magazine advertising list.
They have a BBF but no BRC or PSP2 or Cohiba siglo/espe? Many brands/marcas make different tasting cigars in many vitola. To exclude them because you already mentioned one from that brand/marca is rediculous.
Two Rocky Patel. Proof the list is a sham. There is not one Rocky that beat out anything in the top 250 cigars available today.
everyone has different tastes.
there isnt a single person on this board that can agree on a top 5 let alone a top 25.
its so subjective that i just look at lists like this as a list of things to try.
i AM surprised a bit to see the Cain Daytona on there. but again, there are many cigars that seem to have a huge following that I dont like.
im not sure what other forums that you guys read out there, but this forum has a distinct culture. we like a very different set of cigars than the general populous. we seem to like the MoW lines more than most. We tend to like Anejos more than most. We tend to like Kelner blends more than most. We tend to like 5 vegas more than most.
we also tend to have slightly less of a hard-on for Drew Estates (even though we all agree that they are great cigars. we just realize that they are not the end all) and we also have a bit a slightly less voracious apatite for Tatuaje and DPG. (well... a smaller percentage of us do)
the general cigar population is not very brand loyal. they buy from many different brands. this is one of the few places that i see us lining up with the general population of cigar consumers. the other thing that we as a forum tend to like that is in align with the rest of the cigar world is our love for Nicaraguan cigars. Our forum is also very well versed on the the cigar making process and theory behind taste. this is WAY out of line with the general smoking population but in line with the on-line smoking population.... even there though, we tend to look a things more in depth than most.
before i ramble on too much, ill just sum it up by saying its nothing special. its just a list.
i do hesitate to say it is all advertising. Colin (the editor) is a person that i have met and have spent some time with. i trust his judgement and i will vouch for his credibility. I believe that the list is what they honestly think are the best cigars of 2011.