Humidor help Cigars falling apart

I'm newer to humidors. I have 2, one that my dad gave me that I keep everyday smokes in and a brand new that I cured. I cured it for 2 days by wiping distilled water and letting it set. I kept my cigars out of the plastic (mostly because i buy them in boxes). My cigars are about 2-3 months old and break apart. When I cut them it really breaks. I've had to go to strictly punching them. I'm using a digital reader, and Xikar gel jars. My humidity levels is at 67%. It's ruining the cigars. Any idea what to check or ideas on what's going on?
Xikar beads seems to be the same thing has heartland beads or am i looking at the wrong ones. Thanks for all your help everyone
It's a new Calibari cutter. My perdoma's unwrap while sitting in there.
It's very very perplexing. I've stopped ordering cigars till I get this figured out. I spent 95 bucks on the humidor so it's not complete trash. Frustrating.
If I punch them they aren't horrible and stay together better, and they for the most part stay lit. if I cut they really unravel. The perdoma's really unravel.
That's the cutter i've been using