Personally, I can think of nothing that would serve our political system better than for one or two new parties to become viable, and to force the other two "establishment Parties" to relinquish their strangle hold on our government. Democratic government requires compromise, and I believe that if there were other viable parties, then coalitions on specific issues would have to be forged between the differing parties. I believe this would finally put an end to the "liberal/conservative" divide among our elected officials, and force more pragmatism among those we elect to "represent" us.
I am one of those who will be voting for Ron Paul if he is a 3rd party, and not because I am an Obama supporter---but because I like alot of what Paul says. I do not think that would be a travesty or cause any anger at all (at least not by those who truly enjoy freedom and can appreciate multiple viewpoints). Just as Perot is often blamed with costing an election, neither he or Paul should be blamed with anything other that breaking this two party bu!!sh!t we have in this country. Maybe if each side would stop catering to the big money with the fringe ideas, they should start TRULY caring what most people feel.
It's interesting to watch the reactions from the various quarters to the only candidate running who believes in the founders version of the Constitution.