
well gents, tonight is gonna be great, going to a freinds house for some beer, cigars, red meat and loud music. it is a time we all look forward to, the hosts wife is going out of town and all the guys in my circle are sending the women folk away for the night and we are going to have a good old fashioned boys night out. I am bringing the smokes and beer, I think ill bring a few aroma de cubas, a few rocky patel 90s, and a handfull of oliva el cobres. for the beer I think dragons tooth stout is in order, maybe some byfrost (that is, if I can find the stuff made at the elesian, not that crap that comes out of the new belgium brewry). can time move any slower here in the office? I think im getting whiplash over here.
Higgs, enjoy brother! Those sound like some good times. Make sure someone brings some air fresheners so the hosts wife doesn't come home to the stench
that sounds great time-wish i was doin' the same