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What was your big gift?



  • Dustin1981Dustin1981 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 410
    Got a tablet. That I am using to post this now. Also got a GC for a tatoo of my daughters hand to match the one of my other daughters.
  • OchoZachoOchoZacho Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,471
    My wife and I agreed that we weren't exchanging gifts this year as we're gonna take a trip to Maui at the end of January. So, I decide to get her a few small gifts that she can use on the trip and yesterday morning, WHAM! she hits me with a gift certificate to the tattoo parlor that does most of my work. How awesome a wife I have, encouraging me to get more ink on what little space I have left.....great gift!
  • WafflesWaffles Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 63
    My big gift this year was a new welder.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    Well, I had to get it for myself, but.... S&W Model 19-3 Combat Magnum, nickeled, 2 1/2 inch. Vintage about 1969.
    S&W 19-3
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