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25 year old punch churchill

mr251mr251 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2

i have the supreme humidor...this end table like device is so well humidity controlled i can not descibe the pleasure of opening it up and reading the 72 on the digital hydrometer...i have approx 8 boxes of varying quantity in the humni now, and on the sides, my recently aquired 4 bundles of segundos...as of late, i have been loading up on RP segundos and quite happily they are aging nicely...but more exciting is my dealving into some wonderfly aged smoke i have been saving for many years...

several weeks ago i smoked a 25 year old cuban romeo curchill...and with great surprise, it was a champ...last week i torched up a mac glass tubo corona - which made my mouth water it was so smooth...

the surprise as to the quality of the antiquities has been a great gift to me...but a tribute to the master craftsmanship of this fine humi...so today i broke out a 25 year old punch churchill size...and i am not exagerating when i say - this was the best cigar i have ever smoked...

i tell you this not to brag...but to remind you all that taking proper care of your humi is essential and if you are prudent enough to stash some very special sticks away and just check on them occassionaly, in a few years you may created some special treats which can not be purchased anywhere...now i am not saying that you have to wait 25 years, but i have the room, and i am diligent on my maintanence...and now i am benefitting from this behavior...

good smoke to one and all, rich



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