You know me now, recommend a cigar for me please.

I have about 7 great cigars from friends here and they are excellent. But I have an occasion coming up where I want to smoke something really fantastic and extravagant. However, nothing over 30.00 a stick I'd say, which is a good bit, but for my occasion, I want the best that 30.00 can afford. Does not have to BE 30 dollars, just not over.
Any suggestions? Remember, I'm still new, don't want anything to knock me down, but I want complexities of the taste and I have learned how to retrohale from my cigarette smoking days. So, I just put it into play in my cigars and am getting kinda good at it.
Also, suggest a beverage, does not have to be alcohol. I tired cognac with it, but wound up not liking the cognac, however I know it's an acquired taste like coffee or beer.
Anyway, hook me up with ideas guys!!
The drink will depend in whats available but I would go with water or club soda like Jaime said.
Have fun!
elegant, complex, light and 13.70 on
The Ashto is a great mild-medium cigar, while the My Father is more medium-full bodied. Neither will break the bank, but either will be memorable.
LFD solomon is fantastic as is the ligero or even the double ligero maduro chisel (if you like stronger smokes).
for an expensive stick? Padron family reserves are really good. the 45 is probably the strongest out of the lost. The 46 and 85 are my fav from the line. I also really loved the new god of fire series b toro.
Oh and paring... I lean towards dr. pepper or vanilla coke for maduros. For non maduros water or even coffee work. Of course I mix and match, I like dr. pepper or a dark coffee with opus cigars. hard liquor is something I enjoy however I find it usually over powers the cigars. There are a couple of cognacs that work well with them, I can't think of the names but they do exist in my opinion. Same with scotch and rum. It's all about trying out different things. Can get spendy at least in my area. I have to order it all and never get to taste it before I buy it.
often we see threads like this.
"recommend me a cigar for..."
we always get a decent list of cigars. they are always what we (the recommenders) like.
How about this:
go back and look at the cigars that you have enjoyed the most. who made them? who blended them? what was the wrapper filler and binder?
find those out and look for cigars that have a similar setup as the ones you like. (most of that info if not all of it can be found on's listings of cigars. you can also search those criteria on the main site or on the forum.
also, this is where a notebook where you keep notes on cigars comes in handy.
i may disagree a bit with the point of if the thread is needed or not. it is needed because the poster does not know what to try next but it is not needed because we only post what we like. i wonder if it is possible to direct a person (in a forum setting) to a cigar that they both: A) have never had and
in a B&M setting feedback and questioning is almost instantaneous and a tobacconist can pull up a cigar that they would feel fits the bill. a GOOD tobacconist will not recommend their own favorite cigar but a cigar they respect that fits in their customers flavor profile preferences.
the OP here starts with "you know me now..."
i just dont know if i know enough. i dont know if i understand what is in someones head about cigars after only a handfull of cigars.
i guess this is why i posted what i did, turning it back to looking within yourself and within the realm of what is already known.
maybe i just gave bad advice. iduno.