NOOB to Ccom forums

Hey fellow knuckle draggers. Im Mike, (hi mike). New to Ccom's forums, but have been around the Banter for a while. Interested in doing a few trades to get some good trader feedback. Ive been into cigars now for a good handful a years, and have tried a bunch. My "staple" type would have to be Honduran Maddys, but i like most others. Usually not a fan of Connies tho. Some of my fave gars are:
Graycliff Emerald
Graycliff Double Espresso
Graycliff Profesionale
RP Edge
MoW Ruination
MoW Armada
RP Decade
The list can keep going on and on. Hopefully Ill get to know quite a few of you well, like I have gotten to know Shaun Harrison.
Welcome to the forum!
"I'm sorry, that's a three point deduction. You are halfway to Richard Simmons"
Welcome to the forum
I'll trade ya some smokes for one of those humis.....heh!
How about getting your web site up so us non-facebookers can see your humis.
No excuses now!
Quit lurking around here and get that website done young man!
Just open Dreamwearver or whatever software you use...... whip out an About, Contact, and Products page and be done with it.
Geez, it's not like the "old days" when I was doing web had to code by hand in them days.....and I had to walk thru the snow to get to my office..........and I had to be aware of browser compatibility issues, screen size restrictions, bandwith issues (optimize everything) cause most people were still on dial-up......................there was no Flash or any of this new sh! was all cgi baby!! and tiresome/buggy database driven crap!!.............shall I bore you some more??.....didn't think so
I want to see your website by Jan excuses!