It's so much more than what people think

I know I've only been smoking cigars for a few weeks now, but in doing so, I find that smoking a cigar gives me what I wanted and needed from it and so much more than what I thought. You find yourself a comfy spot and settle in for at least 45 minutes. You look at your pick of cigar for the day, take it out of the wrapper, feel it's texture with your fingers, then smell it, smelling the uniqueness of that one cigar. You cut it at just that right place. Lightning it is an art form in itself, making sure you don't touch the flame to the end. Then puff on it to get the flame rounded out on the end. Then you are ready for the smoke. I'm a beginner, but am starting to taste the complexities of the cigar and have learned how to exhale some smoke through my nose, which makes tasting the flavors and smelling them easier. In doing all the above, I am able to relax and my worries just melt away. For that period of time, I'm concentrating on something enjoyable that not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy or even know they could. I look at the day in my backyard and If I've woken my Lab up, I pet her some and enjoy her beauty. I enjoy the beauty of the nature of my backyard, the birds, the trees, the weather if it's good. All by smoking a cigar. Somehow, it's more enjoyable with a cigar......So it's more than simply smoking a cigar. So much more.
back on topic, very nicely done, I agree. Cigars are a little bit of relaxation, well the good ones.
Since my son got me into man made cigars a few years ago, my blood pressure has dopped 20 points and I think that is due to forcing myself to relax for an hour or so daily and chill. I'm not one to smoke a cigar while doing something else, although I will smoke on a long drive.
For a new smoker, you are very perceptive.
Sounds like we've got a few things in common; music, cigars, a big ole back porch, and we could probably have a great time together as long as we avoid the Civil War!