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Sprint Sale Madness

rudel.dietrichrudel.dietrich Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 33
I know I am very new around here. But I looooove the Sprint Sales ( I can already see myself in about six months destitute and living under a bridge begging for spare change to throw at a 5 pack of 5 Vegas Golds)

But I digress. It did lead me to a complicated but potentially awesome idea if it could be pulled off and has willing partners.

Here is the basic plan. It is complicated so read carefully. First there must be willing and able sign ups. Preferably a good mixture of 'veterans' with 500-750+ posts with good references and some newer guys. A veteran and a veteran can partner up but never a newbie and a newbie. This is just a basic rule to avoid any potential bad blood.

Also, if there is a newbie/vet matchup then the newbie will ALWAYS send first to ensure good reference are built up.

Sounds like a pretty average trade so far right? Well the twist comes in from two things. First, the items traded are those purchased from the CC.com Sprint sale. This is the core principal of this exercise.

Second, the Sprint Sale in which you bid on is determined completely by random number. You pick a random number 1-9 or you can be given one or you can use a random number generator. It matters not. You go to cigarsprintsale.com and wait until the first auction is over. The very next auction that comes up is #1. You then count to your number. When your number is reached you bid on that item. Since it is never a 100% sure thing that you will win that item there is a Plan B. Of course everyone wants to get the best price on that item so it is possible that it will be taken before it reaches your acceptable price. It happens.

In that case, you use your random number again and wait the same number of times and bid again. For instance if your number is 6 you would wait six times after the first auction ends, if you lose you wait another six auctions and bid again.

Now I do realize that not all Sprint Sales are created equal. One random sale might be a box of the House Label and another might be a Mazzo of 10 Montecristo/Graycliff.

But that is what makes the game fun. It is also the random nature of it is that will make this worthwhile. You might get something you have never thought of before. Or maybe you would never spend $30 on a Bugati torch lighter or you need that extra 40 cigar space. Or maybe you get a pack of 5 sticks that you otherwise never would have tried before.

And if this done enough times then it should eventually balance out to where you are receiving both 'low end' and 'high end' care packages.

The last rule is that you never ever complain about the package you receive or post the price. That is personal and goes against the spriit of the game.

if you send someone a box of 20 Gurkas and get back a 8 pack of random House Blends. Well...that is the random nature of the beasts. And you can lick your wounds and choose not to participate anymore.

So is anyone interested or will this be simply too complicated to pull off? It will take a lot of trust on the side of both parties. I am willing to be first in line :)


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