Who was it told me I'd need a bigger Humi??

They were right! That's going to be my next purchase. I have a 20 count, but if I buy some more cigars to share, I'll need a bigger one. I think I better hold back though and get a 40 or 50 count. Would love bigger but really need to hold back a bit. Any suggestions on a good one like this?
Hey guys, I hope I'm not horning in on your forum too much. It's just that this is a great place to hang out. I'm no harm, been married forever, and just like to hang out. Hubby knows I'm here and does not fret about it.
Hey guys, I hope I'm not horning in on your forum too much. It's just that this is a great place to hang out. I'm no harm, been married forever, and just like to hang out. Hubby knows I'm here and does not fret about it.
but dont get a small lunch sized one hehe, get a 48 qt+++
Another idea that I think is worth looking into is the plastic bucket like Kingofthecove is using. I suggest you ask him about how he's doing it.
I don't have the need, but if I did, I could buy buckets of this type for a buck or two from just about any donut shop. A few years back, I bought a bunch of 'em for a dollar each for use in my shop. Just sayin'......
I'm getting to be in the same boat, Salem. Guess I'm off to Wally-World...