good luck brotherman, think positive and keep moving forward, i have usully found something better than what i had so i hope you do as well and prayers to your mom
Yup just means something better is coming up for ya
hopefully. I have a buddy who is a chemist and got laid off in sept, hes' been looking for a job since and hasn't found much. He was thinking about doing some illegal stuff to keep his house. I hope he doesn't.
Things work out as planned and I belive this is all for the better. Glad you can take the time off to help out with mom and a little soul serching is always a good thing to do. 2012 will be great for you brother!
Thanks for the show of support, all of you. I do think this will end up being a positive change for me in the end. I'll keep posting on the situation as it develops.
Good luck Ken, I'm sure it will work out for the best. I got fired from a job years ago because I caught my mgr throwing away she got rid of me before anything could happen. I was an independent contractor at the time so not much I could do about it. Turns out, best thing to ever happen to me. I found a better job and made friendships that will last a lifetime.
Keep your head up Ken. Your mom must appreciate your being there for her. Good luck with the job hunt, hopefully something bigger and better comes your way very soon.