KO'ed by a stick

So....I got KO'ed by a stick recently, and this is the 2nd time this has happened to me. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similiar experience. Bascially...I get to a point in a stick where I surrender and go pass out on my couch!
Monday it was a My Father. The first hour was pure bliss...then I literally got hit by heavy leather and could stand about 15 more minutes. I easily had another 15 to go and I was taking it slow as it was a robusto. The last time, it happened with a Padron 7000.
My face and hands turned numb and I couldn't even think straight.
The book I was reading slipped out of my hands and I sat there dumbstruck.
its a rare day that i get put down by a cigar.
the first time I was pretty new to smoking and it was a padron fumas probably back in 2004 ish (now cancelled line) and I was watching the sopranos with my wife (GF at the time) and she looked over and started lauging at me, becuase I was all pale and sweaty. hahaha.
The second time was with a punisher this past year. haha. I'm not afraid to say that thing is too much for me. The wife and little one we're out of town and I smoked it one evening and had to come in and take a nap for a while.
Honeslty it just cracks me up when it happens becuase there are a bunch of factors that can do it so you can't really predict it. Might have been the cigar, might have been what was going on with you that day but probably a combo of the two. Its just all part of the fun.