A cigar question pet peeve and question

Been meaning to post this for awhile...I have not been to any casinos outside of Minnesota and am curious if this is par for the course at all casinos.
Minnesota is a smoke free state. No smoking in bars, etc. But the Indian casinos for some reason are allowed to have smoking inside. There they allow cigarette smoking but not cigar smoking. Bothers the piss out of me. I sit there in a plume of horrid cigarette smoke but when I try to light up a cigar they tell me I can't. They've even got signs now saying no cigar smoking allowed.
Now I don't go to the casino but once or twice a year to play a little blackjack but if they allowed Cigar smoking inside I would definitely get there more often in the winter just simply to have a cigar in a warm area.
Is this standard operating procedure for all casinos (cigarettes OK, but no cigars?)..
Minnesota is a smoke free state. No smoking in bars, etc. But the Indian casinos for some reason are allowed to have smoking inside. There they allow cigarette smoking but not cigar smoking. Bothers the piss out of me. I sit there in a plume of horrid cigarette smoke but when I try to light up a cigar they tell me I can't. They've even got signs now saying no cigar smoking allowed.
Now I don't go to the casino but once or twice a year to play a little blackjack but if they allowed Cigar smoking inside I would definitely get there more often in the winter just simply to have a cigar in a warm area.
Is this standard operating procedure for all casinos (cigarettes OK, but no cigars?)..
My eldest daughter had a sleepover at a friends place this weekend. When I dropped her off the grandmother was there and the place seemed really nice. When I picked her up the parents were there, smoking cigarettes like they were free. Made EVERYTHING my daughter brought home smell horrible. I cannot even stand it. We washed the sleeping bag, backpack, everything she had with her, pillow included. How can you honestly live in a place like that? So sad they torture their child by forcing her to inhale it. When she has a friend over, wouldn't you smoke outside (it was more than warm enough)? Inconsiderate people suck.
The reality is probably simply this: they sell cigarettes by the ton and with no problems. Cigars don't sell as often and have to be kept with care to be enjoyed. Plus, a lot more people complain about cigar smoke than cigarette smoke for some unfathomable reason.
All restaurants in casinos are non-smoking now. That doesn't bother me, I'm just glad I can fire up a cigar while playing craps or Blackjack.